I'll Come Back

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*Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London 22.02.20*
Marcus Gunnarsen's POV

I was sitting in the room for hours waiting for someone to open the door so that I could get back to my brother. I had finally gathered my thoughts and calmed down.
The room I was in was just a laundry room and they locked the door so I couldn't get out. I was sitting on a metal counter looking through the thick glass window, at the corridor of the hospital. Watching people with flowers and sad looks on their faces, stressed doctors and nurses, even some patients walking amongst the long corridor going in and out of the rooms.

A few doctors and nurses rushed past me with some equipment. They seemed to be in a big hurry. I watched them run into a room. I soon realized that it was Martinus' and Tara's room. I recognized that it was their room because of the painted bin next to the bench that was beside the room door. "Get me out!" I shouted desperately. I wanted to know what was going on. I hit my fist on the door multiple times, trying to get someone's attention so they would open the door. A few visitors were looking at me confused and I was starting to panic. Eventually an older women with brown frizzy hair came over to the door bringing a doctor with her.
The doctor fiddled with his keys trying to find the right one but I was getting impatient. "OPEN THE DOOR!" I shouted at the doctor and he hurried and showed me the key before putting it in the keyhole and opening the door. Before the doctor could even begin to push the door open, I pulled it right open and rushed to the women with the frizzy hair. I gave her a peck on the cheek and said "Thank you so much". I then ran to the room as fast as I could.
The door was closed so I looked through the small slit window in the door. I could see all the nurses and doctors standing around Martinus, but I couldn't see what they were doing. All I could see was a tuft of hair in the middle of the hustling workers. He was apparently sitting up meaning... He could be awake! A spark of hope lit up in me.

The door opened and all the doctors and nurses walked out pulling their equipment with them. Lastly Dr. Field walked out and walked up to me. "Mr. Gunnarsen..." he said as he got to me. "Dr. Field. What's going on?" I asked. "Well your brother started to go unstable and we had to shock him so that his heart would start working more efficiently for the rest of his body. It took it's time, but he's good now. He even woke up from his surprisingly short lasting coma, thankfully" Dr. Field seemed very relieved. "He's awake?" I asked him not sure if I understood correctly. "Yes and he's doing very well. He will be able to leave very soon" Dr. Field reassured me and smiled. I smiled so hard after hearing that. "Can I go and see him?" I could barely say still. I needed to see my brother. "Yes, of course. Don't be too rough with him though" Dr. Field said and I walked into the room with gigantic steps, trying to get to him as fast as possible without running.
As I stepped into the room my eyes turned to his bed and I met his bright eyes that I hadn't seen for way too long. I walked up to him and bent down to hug him. We laughed and my eyes started to wet up. I let go and we just stared at each other. "God it's so good to know that you'll be ok" I said and smiled. "It's good to see you to" he answered and smiled back. We fist bumped. We both laughed.
Martinus turned his head towards Tara. "She's fine, just stuck in a coma" I told him trying to make this as easy as possible. "No she's not Marcus. She's the one that dragged me to help. She's tired and we can't know if she'll ever wake up" he said still watching Tara peacefully laying in her bed. I frowned to myself knowing he was right.

*Fulham, London 04.03.2020*
Martinus Gunnarsen's POV

It was the day I had to leave. I was leaving the hospital and I was leaving England. We had canceled all upcoming concerts and events since I had to recover. It made me feel bad but so did a lot of moving.
I was sitting on my bed, watching the still unconscious Tara who I would have to leave completely alone. I didn't want to but I didn't have a choice. She hadn't shown any signs of waking up at all. She was just there. I wanted to shake her out of her state but that would just be dangerous.
"Hey Martinus," my dad said as he stood in the doorway, "Say goodbye, we have to leave in a few minutes". I nodded and slowly stood up. Dad left to the car already so I could have some privacy.
I made my way to Tara trying to avoid any possible pain. Of course it hurt all the time but I tried to minimalize it as much as possible.
I eventually reached her bed and I sat down next to her. I took a hold of her cold hand.
"Hey.." I said to her. I thought that maybe she could hear me. "I know this is horrible of me but I have to leave. I promise we'll meet as soon as you wake up. Promise me you will. I will not have you leave yet. You don't deserve it. I'm sorry that this happened to you" I leant down and pressed a kiss on the edge of her lips. "Bye Tara" I said as I slowly got up again.
That day I walked out of the hospital, guilt weighing me down. My steps were heavy and sad. I didn't want to leave her.

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