The 02 pt. 3

413 19 5

*The O2, London 20.02.2020*

Martinus walked through a white door and I followed him. It had a white paper stuck to it which said 'Martinus Gunnarsen, Dressing Room'.
The room was large and had bright lights. I looked around for a second and I saw two sofas, a small coffee table, a closet and a fridge. It had a few other things but those were what I noticed first.
Martinus sat down on the double seated sofa and looked up at me. "You can sit next to me if you like" he said and smiled. I really wanted to but I didn't want to seem too eager so I sat on the other, three seated, sofa opposite to it.
"What's your name?" He asked me. "Tara" I answered plainly. I was feeling quite nervous. "Are you a fan or were you just randomly walking around backstage?" He said and gave out a light chuckle. I answered "I'm a fan but I was brought backstage to watch the show because I got hurt in the start of the show and I missed most of it".
He smiled in silence before saying anything. "Okay so... Do you live near here?" He asked eagerly. It was a little weird but I decided to answer anyway. "Umm... Yeah. I-I uh... I live in Fulham" I said hesitantly. "Oh my god! Seriously?!" He asked with a wide smile on his face. "Are you a fan of Chelsea?" He asked me, once again very eagerly. "Yeah I am" I said. I started to feel warm inside when Martinus was just staring at me with his dark, brown eyes that were full of joy and excitement. "That's so cool! Do you play football yourself?".
He's certainly eager to ask questions. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to overwhelm you". Oh my god did I seriously say that out loud? How did I not notice?!
"No it's ok. I'm just not the biggest talker" I say to make him feel better, "Don't be sorry". "Ok, well... Do you play?" he asks once again. "Um, yeah I do but I'm not the best. I play just for fun and I've never had the chance to learn it properly" I say and let my gaze fall to the ground. The reason I've never gotten to learn properly is that I'm too insecure that I'll look dumb.
"Oh..." he says. "Yeah" I answer. A few moments of silence take place before Martinus decides to break it. "Well, Marcus and I are staying at Fulham for a week as a sort of vacation. We just want to have a bit of a break. We're leaving to Manchester next week Friday, so I was just wondering if... If you'd like me to teach you a bit of football while we are in Fulham?"
I think for a second. It would be so amazing to be taught by Martinus Gunnarsen but what if I'm really REALLY bad. It would be so embarrassing.
"That would be really nice," another giant smile spread across his face, "but I'm not sure if that's a good idea". His smile disappeared as soon as those last words left my stupid mouth.
"Oh okay. W-Why isn't it a good idea?" He asked with a stuttery voice. Did I really disappoint him that bad? "Well... I mean I don't want to stop you from doing other stuff in Fulham a-and" he cut me off. "What do you mean? Playing football is one of the best things ever and playing it with friends is even better!"(a/n ayy that rhymed ;D)
I was just about to continue my debate but just then Marcus, Kjell-Erik and a few other of their team walk in. All of them look a bit confused.
Martinus stands up. "Uhm guys, this is Tara and... Well we just met. I she's a fan but she didn't burst in. We just bumped into each other a while ago" He explained. Kjell-Erik walked up to me and shaked my hand. "Nice to meet you Tara. I'm Kjell-Erik". Marcus walked up to me and hugged me. I giggled when he let go and smirked at me then Martinus.

"Well I should probably get a taxi home" I sais and started walking to the door to get out the dressing room. I heard someone running up to me and before I knew it Martinus jumped infront of me and stopped me from getting out.
"If you agree to me teaching you football I'll let you leave. IF you agree" he said with determination. I hesitate but I eventually said "Okay fine. Now let me go". "But you have to promise that you'll actually come!" He said. "I'll come... I'll come! I promise". He finally moved out of the way and let me out. "Bye!" I shouted as I opened the door. "Bye!" All of them, except Martinus, shouted back. I looked back at him and he said, "See you later" and smirked.

I called a taxi and it finally arrived at the arena. I got in and told my address. As the driver started driving, I got out my earphones and put them in my ears. I connected them to my phone and started playing my favourite playlist on Spotify.

*Fulham, London 21.02.2020*

I finally got home after over 1 hour in the taxi. I was feeling extremely tired. The whole ride I was just stressing about how my time with Martinus is going to go.
I went inside and slouched over to the stairs. I put my bag down and felt my eyes get droopy. I weakly started going up the stairs. That's the last thing I remember of that night.

A/N: Thank you everyone who has read and everyone who has voted on my story. I'm sorry for the really slow update. I'm almost done with the first chapter of my new story, so look out for that ;). Love you <3

Hopeful |Martinus Gunnarsen|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن