Starbucks and Preparing

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*Fulham, London 19.2.2021*

I wake up to my annoying alarm, beeping from my phone. I reach for it and turn off the alarm. I dig my face back into my pillow, my eyelids feeling heavy. I sniff my pillow and turn my head sideways. I slightly open my eyes and see the Marcus and Martinus poster on my wall. I smile to myself and think about how amazing the concert is going to be. "Ah the concert... CONCERT!!" I shout as I realise that it's tomorrow.
I get up in one movement and rush downstairs. "MUM! IT'S TOMORROW!" I shout using my whole lungs. I get to the kitchen. She's already made breakfast so I sit down at the table. "Well you're in a positive mood today" she smirks at me. "Oh I definitely am! I'm so excited! I'm literally shaking!" I say full of excitement. Mum chuckles, as she slips some scrambled egg and baked beans onto my plate.

I grab what I need and get my shoes on. I'm leaving for work. I have a part time job at Starbucks. I go to college but we have a few days off, for no particular reason, so I decided I can work today so I don't have to rush to work, from school, on Monday (It's Friday).

I finally get to work and I grab my apron from the back room. I put on my green cap and go behind the counter to get the orders. It's a quiet day, not many customers are coming in.

It's been a long tiring day. I can feel the dark circles under my droopy eyes. I yawn, as I hear the bell above the shop door jingle. A large man walks up to me and looks very serious. "Yo, *bodyguard's name*! Wait up!" someone shouts behind him as the bell jingles twice in a row. Two similar figures appear next to him, but my vision's blurred from being so tired. I rub my eyes. "What would you like?" I stop rubbing my eyes and look at the two figures. "Oh sh*t!" I accidentally shout and bend down under the counter. "Um... You ok?" one of them says. I get back up and take a few deep breaths before answering with "Yes" and "So, what would you like?". They give their orders and go sit at a table. I start to make their drinks, but I can't focus. How can I focus when Marcus and Martinus Gunnarsen were a few meters away from me, sitting at a table?! I try to get my head straight because I can feel their stairs on my back. I look back at them but they instantly turn their heads away. I giggle and continue making the drinks.

Once I finish, I write their names on their cups and put a heart next to each of their names. I call out their names with a bit of a broken, high pitched voice. I embarrass myself and feel my cheeks burn up. They walk up to me and take a hold of their drinks, but don't take them. Suddenly Martinus asks me, "Can we borrow that pen?" and points at the black marker I have in my hand. I'm a little confused, but I hand him the pen. I shiver as his hand accidentally strokes mine. He looks me in the eyes and smiles. He writes something onto his cup then gives the pen to Marcus. Marcus does the same but gives the pen back to me when he's done. They both smile at me before going back to their table. I feel out of breath and flustered.

I see how they take their last sips of their drinks, before standing up and leaving the cafe. I walk to their table to clean up. I grab all the cups and walk to the bin I'm about to drop them in when I remember that they had written something extra on theirs. I put them back on the table and sit down. I turn around both cups. They wrote their signatures on the cups. "This cannot be real" I say, covering my mouth with my hand. Instead of throwing them away, I carefully placed them into a box that I was going to take home with me. "What are you doing?" my co worker asks me curiously. "N-nothing," my voice shakes. I quickly walk back to the counter.

I finish cleaning and closing the shop, so that I can finally go home.

I get out my keys and open the door. I walk inside and take off my shoes. All the lights are on, which means Mum is still awake. I walk into the living room because I can hear that the TV is on. I see my Mum, calmly asleep on the sofa. I don't want to wake her up, so I pull a blanket onto her and I turn off the TV. I go up the stairs as quietly as possible. I take a quick shower and change into my pajamas. I need to pack everything for tomorrow. I get a small bag and place it on the floor. I get a piece of paper and make a list of everything I need.

I think I have everything and I've checked through the list, several times. I move my bag next to my door and put my phone to charge. Before getting in bed I check through my Instagram and Snapchat. Marcus and Martinus had posted a picture, of them at the Starbucks. I almost start to scream but I remember that Mum is sleeping. I hold my hand on my mouth. I check my favourite fanpages on Instagram and then get into bed. I fall asleep immediately. It was a tiring day.

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