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"Jo," Marina yelled through out my apartment. She has been her the last hour waiting for me to get home, so she can convince me to go to a party this weekend, and I wasn't budging. "Please."

I rolled my eyes as she knelt down in front of my proposing that I should go. "Fine," I said. "I'll think about it."

With that she smiled and waved goodbye as she thought she was smart. I was going to fake an illness or something. I grabbed my left over ice cream, a blanket, my lawn chair, and headed up to the roof. Once I reached the roof I bumped into a wall that was never there before. I looked up and there was...Mr. Knox?

"Why are you here," I asked.

"I live here," Shit. Now you probably think I'm only saying this because he's my teacher. But you'll see in just a second what I mean by this. Mr. Knox stopped him self before probably saying something very cocky or disrespectful. "Why are you here? These are one bedroom apartments."

"That is none of your business," I told him. 

He looked me up in down, as I was in short fuzzy pajama shorts, and a tank top which by the way my bra happens to be back in my apartment. Great. "No really, think of me as the guy you met in the store."

"Oh in that case," I took the top of my ice cream off, and took a bite. "I told you better luck next time."

He stuck his finger in the tub, and then licked it. "Thank you, but there wasn't much of a competition. Really why are you here? Boyfriend, many of these men are old and probably sag. Why are you here?"

"I live here," I answered.

"In a one bedroom apartment," He asked.

"Yeah," I answered. "I'm eighteen. I'm allowed to live by myself."

"So you live here," He asked. "Why in the worst part of town? I mean your mom must be worried sick about you."

"I don't see how any of this is your problem," I told him. "I decided to live here alone, and I couldn't be anymore happy."

He looked me up and down once more and smirked. "I see you have zero dress code."

"This is my spot," I responded. "Normally people don't come out to the roof. Plus I have nothing to hide. Yes, I realize you're my teacher, and this is probably awkward for you, but this is my spot."

He looked at me, and smiled. "Are you going to eat that ice cream, or can I take it?" I looked him up and down, and he had a nice blue button down on, and it was unbuttoned. He had abs? Well duh Journey he's a gym teacher, and he's probably twenty-three or close to it. 

"No you can not have it," I answered, but I also pulled out an extra spoon. "I'm very clumsy, and sometimes I will sit on the edge of the building, and the first spoon will fall. So over time I had to learn to take and extra one up with me."

I lied at his curious face, but he believed me, and grabbed the spoon. He scooped the marshmallow out and I smacked him. "You are not eating my favorite thing about Rocky Road. Not unless you tell me the real reason of why you like it."

"Pushy," I walked over the the edge of the building, and sat down, and ate a marshmallow,

"By the time you tell me all this is going to be gone," He chuckled.

"My mom use to give it to me when she couldn't make food for the night," He continued. "She died before I went to college five years ago, and ever since then I just started eating it when I felt like it. How about you, I mean with everything about your dad. Since you're pushing my past, which by the way would be considered rude. You know because you've been lying to a teacher."

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