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Today was Friday, and this morning went by greatly. Tyler had came into my apartment, and brewed some tea for me. He tried making me coffee yesterday, but he quickly learned that coffee wasn't my cup of tea. Pun intended. I knew today was going to be an exciting day. Once Tyler left. I followed, and got into my dad's old Duramax, and drove to school.

When I made it to school Avery wasn't here, and My best-friends both made me smile ear to ear. They tried telling me that they missed me, and Marina and I split while Gary headed to the men's locker room. I felt good today. I had no idea why, but I felt like something good was going to happen. 

I got dressed, and my perfectly calm hair wasn't going to be messed up, so I entered the gym with it down. I ran and jumped on Gary's back, and he spoke up. "Jeez, let a sister know what you are doing, before you kill her."

"Well you're not a sister," I restored.

"What's up with you to day," Gary asked. "You seem overly excited?"

"I don't know," I answered. "I just feel like something good is going to happen."

A whistle blew throughout the school, and Tyler entered the room. Girls cooed and awed, which made me mad, but I still had a good feeling today. "Okay class, today we will be playing baseball, so we have the rules down. No hitting people with the bat, or ball."

I smiled looking up to meet Tyler flicking his eyes away. That asshole. I stiffed laugh that turned into a choking hazard. Everyone looked at me, and I turned my head in my sleeve. Tyler continued. "Those of you who don't want to play can run or walk around the track. Go."

Everyone got up, and Gary helped me up throwing me over his shoulder. "Gare no!"

He laughed, as he raced Marina outside, and we all stood on the field. "Say you'll go to a party with us, and you can't back out this time."

I took a peak at Tyler who looked like he was jealous but nodded, since he heard the deal. I laughed, and spoke up. "Fine! But please let me down I'm getting light headed."

"Fine," He let me down. "I need your help this weekend there's this new guy, and well.."

"You need a better wing man than Alex's stalker."

"Well actually we're dating," Marina spluttered. "Which is a total douche move since he beat Gare up, but I mean I like him. Friends don't keep a friend for dating someone they like."

We both rolled our eyes, and headed towards the starting batters, "Can I hit first," I asked because Tyler was pitching, so I thought this would be funny. 


I stood on the home base and waited for the ball. "Ready Rhodes."

"Born ready!"

"You beat you ass she was born ready," Wait...that wasn't normal. That was a voice I haven't heard for a while, and never expected to hear again. I looked towards the voice, and I was shocked. A man I thought was dead stood by the field.

"Mar," I asked. "Do you see him?"

She looked where was looking, and she didn't say I was crazy. "Mr. Rhodes?"

I dropped the bat in my hand and ran towards him. I jumped up into his arms. I felt him. I quickly let go of him. "Wait you were suppose to be dead?"

"They found me a week ago," he looked at me patting my head. He made sure I was here, and he wiped the tears on my cheek. "Please don't cry."

"I thought my dad was dead," I stopped him. "I didn't think he'd hug me ever again."

"If I could tell you what happen I would," A small smile formed on my lips. "Now I asked the principal if I can sit in all your classes, and tonight you can come to the roof with me."

I smiled and hugged him as Marina ran up to us. "He Pops, Jo, has told us that you were over seas getting you arm fixed, we're glad to see you've recovered, but she's our best batter. So come on." 

I walked past Tyler, "Who is that?"

"My dad," I walked away, and lined up at the base. Tyler looked at me confused. 

"Rhodes," Tyler nodded his head, and I grabbed the bat. 

Two swings in I was one strike away from an out. "Journey, come on, don't let this cloud your talent." I looked towards my dad.

"Dad I don't need coaching," He smiled knowing I was nervous. "Fine, With God I will always be--"

"Daddy's little girl," Our beginning game ritual. I looked at Tyler and nodded. He through the ball, and then with one swift movement I hit the ball, and it went far. I didn't think twice. I ran as fast as I could. I saw Alex running at me when I past third base, I picked up my space, and the her threw the ball before I quickly dived. I knew I touched the space, and the whistle blew.

"Safe," Tyler shouted. I got up, and ran towards my dad. 

"You still have it in you," I hugged him. "I missed you baby girl."

"Don't ever die again," I mumbled, and he rubbed my shoulder. 

"How is it living by yourself," he asked. "Not the glory it's put out to be."

I shook my head. "Sometimes I stay up because I'm afraid of being robbed. You picked the worst place for me to live."

"So what about your brother where is he," He asked me.

"Hedroppedout," I quickly said.

"He what," Damn it, sometimes I forgot my dad got use to my mumbling. "Damn it, do you know where he is now?"

"With his wife," I soulfully answered as my dad combed through my messed up hair.

"He has a wife," my dad asked. "How is that possible?"

"He's eighteen dad," I watched Tyler carefully as he threw the ball.

"So you have the hots for Mr. Knox," My dad asked. "It's like your grandmother all over again. I'm going to end up seeing her when I drop you off."

"What do you mean," I asked.

"Your grandmother told me you guys have something," I looked dead at my father, and he had no hint of a joke on his face.

"That old women needs to keep her panties to herself," I mumbled.

"So you're not going to deny it," My dad asked. I shook my head. "I'd tell you to stop this before he gave you an unworthy grade, but it's gym. After that swing I know you try as hard as you can. But I'm going to have to speak to your boyfriend. You know like at a fancy dinner, or something."

"Be easy on him," I pleaded. "He likes Rocky Road. That's how we met actually."

"Well ask him to join us," My dad turned me towards him. "But may I ask who Max is with?"

"Some old cop," I answered. "He clams it's true love."

"He'll find out differently," Tyler blew the whistle, and we both looked at him.

"Class you guys can go back to the locker room class will be over in five," With that everyone walked past me and my dad as Tyler collected everything, and placed it where it was at the beginning of class. But he wasn't to graceful.

"Hey dad can I meet you inside," he nodded and walked away as I walked up to Tyler. "What's wrong?"

"I thought your dad was dead," He looked at me. "He looks pretty alive to me."

"As of thirty minutes ago, so did I," Tyler looked at me confused. "I don't know why he's still here. His partner said he saw him die, but obviously he told a lie, one that could cost him his job. I trusted that man too."

"Your dad looks like you," Tyler told me. 

"I know," I grabbed Tyler's arm. "He knows."

"Know wh--" Tyler looked at me. "How did he? Why am I not dead yet?"

"He actually can say anything," I answered. "His mom fell in love with her husband, and he was a teacher. With out that my dad wouldn't have been here. In fact my dad wants you to join us on the roof tonight. You know so he can give you the 411."

He looked for my face to give way, but it didn't. After awhile he broke my thoughts. "Okay."

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