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Note- this is how I imagine what will happen later. Not the image of the couple.

Journey's Pov

Since yesterday, I hadn't seen much of Tyler, I usually see him in the building, but walk away. He was probably scared off by my brother, but I decided to let it go. I spent the whole day picking my outfit out for the party, and I finished with a formal bad girl outfit. I wore black skinny jeans, and black tank top, and my newer Jordan's. I decided to not wear make up, and I grabbed my bag. There was a knock at my door. I ran to the door, "I know I'm late Mar, but you don't just spring a party on a girl, and don't go shopping with...Tyler!"

"So you are going to a party," Tyler smiled. "Is there drinking?"

"Yep," I answered. "I need it anyways."

"You're eighteen," he stopped me. "Text Marina, and tell her you're not going."

"Why," I asked. "I told her I was going to this party, and it isn't normal for me to say yes. I can't just give up her hopes. Plus it's not like I'm going to get shit faced."

"If you want to get drunk I'll grab my liquor," He spoke. "But I will not allow you to go to a party where you could possibly get into someone's car, and then the road kill worker will come scrapping you up."

"Oh please," I told him. "I would be in my own car."

His face went to fear to anger. I started laughing. "This isn't funny Journey!"

"I know," I stood by him, and pointed to the counter. "I leave my keys there, so if I need to come home I walk. I know it's not safe, but I'm safe with my drinking. Well, safer than most teens. I won't get in a car either, because I'm not exactly friends with everyone in school."

"Journey if you go to Jason Weber's party I will call the cops," he slipped out. "Don't test me."

"Fine," I rolled my eyes grabbing my phone.

Me- Hey, I have somethings to work out with my dad. Sorry :(

My Sexy Bitch- Oh hope everything is okay. Say hi to Pops for me. See you Monday.

I tossed my phone on the coffee table, "Happy?"

Tyler closed the door, and smiled. "Well, I'm not unhappy."

I went to the counter, and took my keys, and placed them in the right spot. "Why did you just move the keys?"

"Well," I paused. "The only girl besides me in this tenement have an unspoken agreement, that if I am drunk. I call her, and she'll grab someone to grab my keys, and pick me up. It's so I don't go into the wrong car. I'm a lot smarter that what Max may have put me out to be."

"Actually he told me you were the smartest one out of us," I smiled and rolled my eyes. "No he did. You have no trust in me."

"Nope," I answered. "You have the brain of a bipolar victim. Who knows if you are being nice, or flirtatious."

He stepped forward. "Definitely flirtatious," He joked, and I shook my head. "So what do you want to do."

"I don't know," Sarcastically started. "I was planing on going to a party, and wasting my life away, but that changed, so I guess I'll just you know sleep, or study. Really there is no difference."

He laughed, "Is this all you do? Work, Sleep, and Study."

"Oh no I eat Rocky Road too," I restored. "Speaking of which." I went to the fridge, and looked for something to eat. I realized I hadn't eaten all day, and now I realized why. I had no food. I usually shop on Saturdays, but I was to busy with picking my outfit. "Damn."

"Your fridge better have eaten everything in it," Tyler was behind me. He placed his hands on my waist, and I tensed up. "Sorry."

He was about to let go, but I held his hands in place. "Just, stay." He did as I said, and slowly moved his hands downward. Every inch I tensed, but I never had recovered this quickly. I then open the freezer, but closed it before I opened it remembering I ate all the ice cream today. "Ugh, I guess it's Chin--."

My body was now pressed against Tyler's, and I felt safe. He had his arms wrapped around my torso, and he was keeping me safe. My breathing rapidly speed up. Not because I was scared, but because I felt good. "Tyler-" I felt his lips against my neck, and I was silent. I felt him smile, which made me laugh at his stupid goal. "We should get something to eat."

I turned in his grasp as he looked at me with his eyes, his very blue eyes. I never noticed this before. He had beautiful eyes. I smiled as there was a twinkle in his eyes. "Yeah."

Getting out of his solid grip. I picked up my phone, "What would you like?"

"You," he answered, and I looked up in shock. "That's not what I meant. I meant...never mind. Pick whatever you want."

I dialed China Cafe, and asked them for delivery. I then told them my order, and Tyler told me to get whatever for him. I ordered the same order as mine, and they gave us ten to fifteen minutes. When I hung up the phone, Tyler was watching me very harshly. His eyes looked my body up and down. He had a smile plastered on his face, but his eyes told me something different. I sat next to him. "A penny for your thoughts?"


"Somethings on your mind Tyler," I looked at him. "Spill."

"Why do you look good in everything?"

I laughed. "That's why you look like Grumpy the famous one out of the seven dwarfs?"

"Well," he pause. "You see you would've gone to a party dressed like that. Which means other guys would see you like this. It bothers me to think other guys want you."

"Yeah right," I scoffed. "Avery only dated me because he thought I was an easy fuck."

"Why do you do that," He suddenly asked. "You put yourself down. You're beautiful, and trust me as a teacher I hear almost everything at the school. Many guys would be with you if Avery wasn't the one to date you first. But, you can't see that. Which confuses me."

I kissed his cheek, "Because no one was brave enough to admit it." I was about to stand up when Tyler grabbed my legs. "Ty-" His lips gently crashed to mine. I feel as if he was afraid to break me. I pushed him away once my breathing became difficult. "Tyler, why are you afraid?"

"What do you mean," He asked. I knew he wouldn't understand, but he also knows of my scars.

"Tyler you need to know my story."

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