Detention #2

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This morning wasn't great. One I realized I had to face Tyler, or Mr. Knox. Who left me alone in bed naked, and I had know idea what was happening. Two, I walked into school, and this guy had grabbed a fist full of my ass. I turned around and decked him, but the teacher who got in between us believe him over me. I was now stuck with another detention. Which meant I wouldn't be able to take Toby's shift. He told me it was fine, but he sounded upset. As I walked to the locker room Avery was making out with the girl he cheated on me with, and Marina and Gary had a field trip. Leaving me all alone. 

Once I finished getting dressed in my Nike top and my leggings, and grabbed one of Marina's water bottles. I also grabbed her headphones since mine were cut in half by my apartment door. I then put on my deodorant, and perfume and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I headed out to the gym before the other girls, and Alex rushed up to me. "Question?"

"Shoot," I responded.

"Do you know if Marina is mad at me," he asked.

I sat on the ground and started my stretches. "Why would you...You're the guy she slept with?"

"You know," Alex blushed. "Do you know if she's mad at me?"

"She's not made Alex," I responded quickly. "She's just overwhelmed because well you're you."

Alex nodded, and sat on the ground with me. "I hope you know that I really like her. I always have. Just Saturday wasn't really what I wanted to happen. I actually want to go on a date with her. It's just she's out of my league."

"Alex when was the last time I had ever helped you with your love life," I asked bending forward.

"You talk to Marina about my love life," I looked back up at him and smiled. "Yeah I'm smarter than what I put myself out to be."

"Alex you need to make her jealous," I pause as I heard the whistle, and saw Mr. Knox standing in front of the class. "Or intimidate her. She likes rough guys, which you are, but she like them really rough. That's all I can tell you."

"Thanks," He started getting up holding his hand out. At first I was hesitant and he spoke. "I won't let you go."

"Yeah thanks Rose," He chuckled as I grabbed his hand and he helped me up. We both walked over to where Mr. Knox was talking. "We are playing basketball today. Pick your team of five, and there has to be at least one person of the opposite gender in the group. With that I waited for everyone to pick their partners when Alex pulled me towards three other men. "Guys, Jo is going to join us. If either of you make fun of her I will personally hurt you."

Joseph was in the group along with two other guys name Mark and Randy. "That's okay she's a good player," Mark complemented me. "She'll be our point guard, because she small, and short."

"Gee thanks," Rolled my eyes.

"Okay so two groups go to each net, and start playing five on five," Mr. Knox yelled, and everyone did as they were told. My team matched up with the drama kids. I knew that was our first goal, and it was a easy game at first but then they got another player. "This seems like a fast game, so I will play with you guys."

Mr. Knox wouldn't leave me alone. I was getting mad. I grabbed the ball as I was the point guard, and looked to Alex. "Hey Al, remember the play my brother made up?"

He nodded as the rest did too. "Blue," He yelled and everyone moved so their guard would follow them, as I dribbled to the side three point, and shot. Then Alex dunked the ball. We high five each other, and set up for the other team. My guard was taller than me, but I was swifter, so I heard Mr. Knox say go, and I followed the girl, but I wasn't looking behind me as a larger body bumped into me. It was Mark, he fell on top of me, and I fell. His head hit mine hard, and I knew my nose was bleeding. Great.

Mark got up quickly as no one paid attention to me, so I ran towards the locker room, and headed to my locker grabbing one of my old shirts, and holding it up to my nose. I sat on the counter as I waited for the blood flow to stop. I heard the door open to the locker room, and I already knew who it was, so I plugged in my head phones and closed my eyes. I didn't want to talk to Him. That was the last thing I wanted to do.

"Journey," My head phones came off. I rolled my eyes, and felt really paranoid. "Are you okay?"

"I'm great," I answered sarcastically. 

"Open your eyes," I shook my head. "Journey!"

I opened my eyes, and I knew I was crying once my eyes landed on Mr. Knox. "Why can't you just leave me alone. It's not hard for you to do any other time."

"Journey not here," I looked at the time, and class was almost over. I nodded. "But I have to check on you as a regulation. Do you need to go to the nurses office?"

"You already know, I've been through worse," I through my shirt away, and quickly washed the blood of my face. I turned around and Mr. Knox was gone. But that is not what I wanted. I wanted him to comfort me, and handle me with care. He left, and I wish I knew why.


School went by quick, and I didn't want to go to detention. I wish I could just go to the store and just think. It wasn't that easily though. I walked into the detention room, and Mr. Knox was sitting in the chair in front of the class looking down at his computer. I headed to the back of the room, and didn't bother to look at Mr. Knox. I plugged my earbuds in, and then I played a few songs until my jam came on. Colt 45 always hit my nerves. My dad use to dance along to it with my brother, and I just loved watching them being happy so. I sung along to the song. When I go to the stems and seed part. I felt my earbuds fly out of my ears, and watched as Mr. Knox walked away with them.

"Hey," I said.

"You know the rules Journey," he said. "No music or electronics."

I rolled my eyes, and banged my head onto the desk. Why am I so stupid. He probably wanted me for sex, and then hurt me. Which he did. He knows my whole past, and I never told a living soul. My dad wasn't gone, and he was the only person I could tell, and he'd believe me. I wonder if Ty-Mr. Knox even believed me. I knew I had fallen asleep for a little bit, because the next thing I knew I was Thirteen again.

"Mick," I looked in the crib of my six month old baby, and blood was splatter everywhere. Wound to his abdomen, and his head was cracked. I looked up at the window where it looked as if someone had broken in, but I knew better. I sobbed for the baby before me. Sure I didn't love him like I should've, but I loved him. "Mick!"

I felt my body being shook, and I looked up, at the only person I didn't want to talk to. "Go away." I mumbled as tears were forming in my eyes, but I wasn't going to cry in front of Mr. Knox. Not ever again.

"Your time would've been up by now," He mentioned. "But since you fell asleep I have to make your detention an hour longer."

"You know what," I spoke up. "Like you, I don't care."

I got up, and walk/ran out of the room. I knew I was crying heavy now, and I just wanted to escape. But I spoke to soon.

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