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Great, not only do I have to walk home in the ran, but I also have to walk on metal crutches. I'm going to be freezing before I reach the second block. I needed to get home though, so I tried hurrying with my crutches as fast as I could. It seemed as if the rain had gotten harder. Great.

I put up my hood, and kept a normal paste. It had gotten dark, since I spent time in the library trying to avoid walking. I had to face my challenges at some point. I saw head lights and they weren't in front of me, but behind me. They came closer, and slower. I wasn't sure who it was, so I had my hand closing in on my pocket. 

The car was now beside me, and the window came down. Sure enough it was Mr. Knox. Why can't he leave me alone. I can't to seem to get a time where he isn't in my head. Ever since Monday all I could think about, was if there was something wrong with me. "Hop in."

"I'm fine," I told him. It seems as if that was my go to phrase. But that didn't make him budge.

"Journey it's raining, cold, and dark out," he started. "You should hop in."

"Why," I asked but kept going. "I've walked home before in this kind of weather. It doesn't bother me."

"Okay," Mr. Knox drove ahead of me, and I realized how nice his car was. It was a black matte Chevy, Camaro. I believe it was the newest model. He then turned onto the sidewalk and got out of the car. Clever man. "Get in."

"No," I stopped in front of him. "I like walking, and I defiantly don't want to be stuck in a car with you."

"Just look pass Monday," He said. "And get in."

I scoffed, and walked across the road, well more like wobbled. "If I have to look past Monday. Then you are a complete stranger, and my father always told me to never hop in a vehicle with a stranger."

I walked further, and then felt my self being left up over someone's shoulder. I knew who it was, and I didn't appreciate this. But the view was sadly great. "Let me down!"

"Nope," Mr. Knox said. He opened his car door, and set me down on my feet. "Either get in or I take your crutches, and you have to crawl home."

"Fine," I got in the car. He shut the door, ran to the sidewalk grabbing my crutches, and opening the trunk throwing them in the trunk. He got in, and he turned up the heat. He backed up, and drove to our apartments. 

Once we reached the apartments in complete silence. I opened the door, and leaned on to the car. I headed towards the trunk which popped open, and I grabbed my crutches. I started walking away. "I'm sorry for Monday. I just think that it was going to be better--"

"What, I'm over it," I spoke before he finished.


"Jo," I turned and stopped him. "My name is Jo. You of all people don't call me Journey. You pathetic asshole. You have no--"

"Journey," he rose his voice. "Let me speak. I'm sorry okay. I probably made you, you know..into me, but I'm sorry okay?"

"No," I looked at him, and he turned his face away. "Look into my eyes Tyler," he slowly looked at my eyes. "You took my first kiss, and frankly I'm mad about it. Now I'm stuck with the only thing I wanted to mean something being destroyed. I don't have a first time anymore okay. Everything that a girl is suppose to experience when she is ready was taken away from me. You don't get to be sorry, because you are not going to be let down that easily. So no you don't get to be sorry." 

I tried to get out of there as fast as possible, and this damn knee didn't help. I felt an arm on my waist, and I flinched. "Don't touch me!"

The arm fell back and I was now walking back to my room. No one followed me, and for once I was free. I closed the door disregarding to lock it, and I then went to the couch, dropping the crutches, and sat on the couch. I wanted to avoid crying, but that's what I did. I looked at my knee, and the pain subsided, and I took the brace off. My knee stayed in place, so I tried standing, and I succeeded. I walked back and forward, and the pain went away fully. My mind was wondering this whole time.

God he's an ass.

But you like him don't you?

He took my first kiss.

You enjoyed it.

"Ughhh," I threw my pillow towards the door, but it didn't hit real wood. It hit Tyler's wood. Wait...Tyler? How'd he get here? The door wasn't locked you idiot, you knew that. I stiffed a laugh. 

"Okay," he got up from clutching his crotch. "That, I deserve."

"Why are you here?"

"You have a strong arm," he dodged my question getting closer to me. "Have you ever thought about playing softball? Usually I don't recommend the sport, to people who threat hitting the couch, but have you?"

"Why are-" He was now standing inches from me, and my breathing was erratically betraying me.  "You here?"

"To apologize," his hand was being raised, and I flinched once more. "Why do you keep flinching like I'm going to hit you? Journey look at me."

I didn't budge, so a finger touched my chin, and was turned towards Tyler. "I will never hurt you. I'm sorry, about everything. I just can't date you, or even have a kiss with you, it's my job, but don't ever think I don't feel the same way about you."

"I don't feel anything," My eyes opened and stared at Tyler. "I don't believe in love."

Which wasn't true, that's all I ever believed, but he needed to leave. Maybe? "I know that's a lie, I can tell when you lie. Your pupils dilate. You feel something for me, and until you admit it. I'll be at school if you need me."

With that he left the room, and closed the door.

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