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My father didn't take me straight to the apartments, we headed right to the grocery store. Once we entered the store Toby's face lit up. "William?"

I smiled as the two had hugged each other, and I headed to the back. Where my usual Rocky Roads was at. I grabbed both of them, because Tyler downed the cartoon like my dad. I walked to the register, and saw the dangerous scene in front of me. Max and my dad. "Look you made Journey and I think you were dead. You put my sister through hell, but that's not my place to tell you about it. Maybe you should ask her. I'm happy dad, and I'm successful. Just the last two years was hard."

"I will not have my son end up like me," He shouted. "Why ca-"

"Dad," I barged into their conversation. "Max, dad isn't dead, and all you can do is fight with him."

"Are you kidding me Journey," Max looked at me. "You almost killed yourself, and you forgave him."

"He would've came back," I walked to the register, and slapped the money on the counter, and walked out the store. I walked to fast for my dad to catch up with me, and deal with Max. I reached the apartments, and walked up to the roof. I punched the concrete wall injuring my hand.

"Journey," I turned around and Tyler was watching me. I looked at my bleeding hand, and he came over to me. I wrapped my arms around his neck to get a hug, and he proceed. He rubbed my back to calm we down. When we both heard two people clear their throats. Tyler let me go, and my dad and Max walked up to us. Tyler held his hand out. "It's an honor to meet you sir."

I looked at my dad who hesitated but then took Tyler's hand. "You probably already know I'm Journey's father. Please tell me you're not going to give me some lecture about faking my death. Which I didn't my partner thought I was dead. There's a difference. I already got a lecture from these two, and once I go to my mom's I know I'm dead."

I laughed, Tyler looked at my dad, as he smiled. "No sir, I'm happy you're here. Journey has told me a lot about you."

"Guys," I butted in. "I will a sure all of you that if you don't start eating the ice cream I will."

My dad looked at me as if it was a challenge, "I will tackle you. I spent two years without that ice cream. You will not eat my portion of the ice cream."

"Max are you going to join us," I asked as he was standing behind my dad.

"Megan is at--" he sighed. "You know what she'll understand."

I walked over and hugged him. "Thank you."

"No sir I don't plan on having sex with your daughter," I choked turning around. Why would Tyler say that to my dad.

"Daddy," I looked at him. "Technically, I'm an adult now so you can't really say anything sex wise."

"No," My dad walked towards me. "Let's say you two get married after you get through med school. Who will pay for your tuition and wedding?"

I flipped him off as Tyler's smile fell. "Med school?"

I heard Max choke a laugh. "We'll skip the tradition for one day, so you two can talk." My dad hurried to grab a container of ice cream, and then he left with Max.

I looked at Tyler who looked phased. "It's not like I wasn't going to leave anyways." I told him, and he looked really upset.

"No, but I wasn't expecting you to spend ten years getting married," He honestly told me. "Much less ten years apart from me."

"I've always wanted to be a doctor," My eyes traced his face. "I wanted the Marines as a back up, so either way I was going to leave. I never said I wasn't going to not marry in ten years either. My father was just joking. He thinks I should wait, but I learned to be a grown up since I was twelve. You should know that sometimes when I have something planned, like oh having kids later on in life it never happens."

He looked mad when I said that, "Did you just really joke about that?"

"Well it's mine to joke about," I shot back, and he seemed even angrier.

"Does he know about that," He nodded towards the direction of my dad, even though my dad was long gone. I shook my head. "Why can't you let people in? Honestly, like maybe letting your boyfriend know that you are going to leave for ten years."

"It's not like it's forever," Walking the other direction, so I don't get to mad. "I'm going to John Hopkins, Tyler. I was accepted after high school. Do you know how rare that is for a girl who lived like me? You can't stop me from chasing something I wasted my life for. I'm also going to be back during the holidays."

"That makes me feel special," He threw his arms up. "You could've told me. Given me more time to spend with you."

My head shot up as he sounded like he felt guilty. "You don't need to worry about that. If you're worried about distance ruining our relationship. Then you're couldn't be more wrong. This, not being able to tell my friends, or other guys for that matter. That I have a boyfriend, and his name is Tyler Knox. Oh Like our old gym teacher, yep except well that is who he is. How long? Oh you know since he started teaching. But I don't worry about that crap, because I love you, and I work hard to keep this a secret."

"Trust me in ten years you're not going to want to come back," He left me on that roof, and I knew there was something he didn't tell me.

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