Chapter 24. All day I dream about shhhh. . .

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After a month later she decided to leave California for good and plan to open her own design shop back in her hometown South Shields. She needs to start again, a new life and whole new thing. She woke up early and have a little going to her flowershop in downtow of South Shields. Picking up calls and sendin deliveries for this morning. She's not expecting someone else but interupted by a cute voice.

Hello tiny pickles?

Jade turned around as she heard a familiar voice behind her while arranging some flowers.

Oh my gosh! Lee , I missed you.Jade declared and gave Leigh Anne a tight hug.

I miss you. I keep walking around struggling to find your shop. I keep asking around like a lost traveller. Leigh Anne saidd panthing.

Come in,want some drinks? A soda or a tea? Jade asked.

Coffee cuz I miss your cof! Leigh Anne replied and gave her a wink.

So what's new about you?Glad you came by. Jade interupted.

I just came from a long vacay back home in Jamaica and guess what I am going to stay in London for good. Leigh Anne said.

Well that's a good plan then. You can visit me anytime here. Jade replied and handed her a cup of coffee.

I have lil bit hangover plus I cant just drive in a snowy weather so I took a long ride by a train. Leigh Anne said and take a sip of her coffee.

It's cold outside, It's hard to drive. You must be careful.Jade replied and took a list of flower deliveries on her table.

I admire Pezz. Leigh Anne interupted. Ooh,sorry Jadey I never meant to open up that thing.

It's okay.Jade asked as she felt like her heart pound hearing Perrie's name.

Have you heard about her?She came out and tell everyone she's gay on her engagement party. She just cancelled it, I cant believe she did that. Leigh Ann said and take a sip of coffee.

Uhmm. Jade exclaimed she cant deny that she still care for Perrie.

She's brave. Leigh Anne continued.

She did that? Jade asked thinkin how was Perrie.

Yeah, everyone was shock during the engagement party, and her mom cant believe it. Leigh Anne continued.

How was she? Jade asked she dont where that courage to ask came from.

I've heard from Jess, Perrie run away from their home. And Jesy never see her again. Leigh Anne replied.

Hope she's okay. Jade said while she glued her eyes outside the window.

You ok? Leigh asked as she noticed Jade's teary eyes.

Yeah I'm fine. Jade replied.

Jade keep staring outside the window its cold outside, thinking about Pezz its been a month since the last time they talk.

After the day Leigh Anne said goodbye an drive home back to London. Jade went home early as she's not feeling well. She felt like everything is still haunting her. She still felt Perrie's touch. Lying in bed and close her eyes.


Jadey heard a familiar voice outside her house, someone keep knockin on the door.

Hold on. Jadey replied, she tried who was it. She saw Perrie and rush open the door.

I miss you. Perrie said.

Pezz? Come in its so cold outside. You ok? Jade said.

I miss you so much. Perrie declared and gave Jadey a tight hug.

You're shaking. Stay there. Jadey said and let Perrie curl herself on the couch. She took a thick coat for Perrie.

Thanks. Perrie replied glared around it is a cute house.

Come here Pezz. You must be cold. Jade said.

You're livin here alone? Perrie asked.

Yeah. Here's your hot coffee. Just stay here for a night its not safe to drive tonight. Jade said.

Thanks. Perrie replied take a sip of her coffee.

After an hour of their conversation they decide to stay in bed to warmth their selves.

Are you cold? Jade asked.

Yeah. Perrie replied.

Can I hug you? Jade declared and wait for Perrie's reply.

Yeah sure. Perrie declared and move closer to Jade.

I missed you. Jade said and drawn in her face to Perrie untill she fell asleep.

The next day Jade felt like the cold slowly sucked in her bone. She grab the pillow and draw in her face, she tried to open her eyes.

Pezz? she said trying to look around. She just sat down at the edge of her bed and cover her face with her palm. "Omg it felt like it was real. It's a dream again"

To be continued.

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