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Shion's POV

"Hey! Shion!" Inukashi calls after me. "Listen to me!"

"I can't!" I snap. How can she expect me to listen to her calmly and everything when I haven't heard from Nezumi in so long? What if something really did happen to him? I can't live my life properly knowing that he could be in danger, god dammit!

On top of that, people are still dropping dead like there's no tomorrow. There have already been 5 other cases of people ageing quickly and dropping dead with minutes, and it obviously isn't helping.

"At least sit down and take a breath! You pacing around isn't going to calm you down or help you with your situation--whatever the heck your situation is," Inukashi says with sympathetic eyes. "Pacing around is just making everyone else around nervous and on edge. I know that a lot is happening right now, but you need to be calm in order to think straight!"

I give in and head for a chair, only to collapse before the light goes out.


When I open my eyes again, I see Nezumi sitting on the rock, playing with a small knife in hand.

I'm not quite sure what happened, but seeing him still alive and well is making me let out a really big breath. It felt as if all the weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Even with everything going on, seeing him alive and well makes me feel like I can keep going, to keep fighting.

Nezumi turns his head around when a twig snaps under my weight and a big smile pulls at my lips. "Hey," I managed to breathe out.

"Hey..." Nezumi seems so confused as if he wasn't sure he was actually seeing me right now.

"What's wrong?" I ask, curious of the confused face he is showing.

"Nothing much..." Nezumi says and turns around. His sitting position is slouchy as if he was exhausted and tired.

I walk over and stand in front of him. "What happened to you? I haven't gotten any contact from you for days! Maybe even weeks! I haven't really been counting with all the stuff that's going on out there."

"Look," Nezumi starts, "I'm sort of in a situation that's hard to explain, and I'm quite busy right now. I don't think I can get to Elyurias anymore... especially with what I'm dealing with. This... I don't think I can help you for a while." Nezumi looks up at me with a troubled look. Nezumi never really shows this much emotion... he's sometimes an easy going guy, but he would always put up a strong front and smirk or laugh things off. But... but Nezumi right now just seems so vulnerable.

"Hey..." I sit down side him and reach out to take his hand. "What's wrong? Tell me, I'm listening. No matter how complicated it is... You can talk to me, even if I may not understand."

"It's... it's just really complicated, and I can't really put it into words... I'm sorry." Nezumi turns to me with a pained look. "I'm actually surprised that I can even talk to you right now. Maybe I have gone crazy."

I blink, and when I open my eyes again, and I find myself in a foreign room. I look around and find a sink in the corner of the room, and a couple of chairs lined up against the wall. From the smell of the blankets, I'm guessing I'm in the hospital.

I let out an audible sigh and run my fingers through my white hair.

What the heck?! Why can't they give me more time to talk to Nezumi? God dammit!!! UGH! I grit my teeth so I don't yell out in frustration.

What did he mean by him being surprised he could even talk to me? Why would he not be able to? We've spoken through dreams multiple times, and it proved that this power or whatever it is is real. Why was he so unsure of this? Nezumi was never unsure of something. He was never hesitant when he set his mind on something.

Days Without You (No.6 Nezumi X Shion Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now