killing a killer

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Okay so this chapter was accidentally deleted or erased? and so I have to rewrite it because I don't have It saved, sadly ):

so for new readers, Welcome to me first story, it's a Jeff x Jane story and I'm going to make it as original as I can without being overly cliche.

so with that, ENJOY :D


The wind whipped my hair back, the cold never bothered me. I'm numb from the inside out, my heart is as black as my betrayer's is and I'll make sure to get the revenge I deserve against him. Him, the man who turned me into this corrupted girl.

Year after year of search for him and I finally found him, and it'll be over my dead body if he gets away from me.

I waited outside the house he's targeted tonight; I felt sorry for his victims, I knew exactly the scaring it leaves in their heads, the images, the feeling of agonizing pain and wanting it to end fast and quickly, but the victims I truly feel sorry for are the naive girls he becomes possessive over, the ones he uses until they have nothing more to offer and then he ends them.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I saw a shadow sneak around the house.

"Remember our deal, Jane.." a voice hissed behind me

"Oh don't worry, I remember it well and I'll enjoy it." I leaned up off of the tree and snuck over to the house.

I gripped my knife.

Oh Jeff, how I'll enjoy watching your psychotic smile fade away when I'm done with you.

I snuck in through an unlocked window, shutting it quietly behind me. My eyes started to adjust to the pitch darkness, I squinted my eyes as I made out where the stairs were. I quietly climbed up them, I got to the top of the stair case, I noticed an open door and muffled whimpers coming from the room.

I slipped through the door the see Jeff on top of a young girl who was no older than fifteen, she cried quietly and thrashed under Jeff's weight, he pulled out his knife, his low raspy voice spoke words to fimilar to not know.

"Go to sleep. . ." his voice growled.

I quickly interrupted him, I pulled him off the young girl, he rolled onto the floor, I stood over him and his eyes widened.

"Eight years since you've seem me yeah?" my voice was low and sinister, hatred and pure disgust filled the tone of my voice.


My laugh echoed in the room, Jeff reminded shocked, the young girl had ran out of the room the second I pulled Jeff off her. All Jeff could really do is remain speechless and gawk at me in awe.

I lunged forward at Jeff, I raised my knife and stabbed it in Jeff's shoulder, I twisted it, I could hear the flesh and muscles tear.

Jeff gritted his teeth and pushed me off him, he grabbed his knife immediately.

"I killed you, how are you alive?" I could tell he was as confused as a little lost boy in a shopping center.

"I had my ways of surviving, you bastard!" I ran at him again, I thrashed and swiped at him, cutting deeper and deeper in every wound.

"You'll pay, Jeff." I started to laugh like a madman. "Yes, you'll pay!" I felt my mind twist and turn with insanity and delusion.

He fought me off, he had a different mood towards me, so much different then the aggression he showed towards victims.

"Cat got your tounge, Jeff?"

Jeff's smile widened, his lips parted.

"You're dead." before I understood what he said he twisted my wrist and my knife dropped to the floor, I yelled out of frustration.

Jeff laughed, and pinned me against the ground.

"I'll have to kill you all over again." He raised his knife over my chest, I lunged forward and head butted him, his knife almost went through my heart but he missed by an inch or less, he fell back and rubbed his head, I pulled his knife out of my shoulder, I yelped while pulling it out, blood flowed quickly through the wound, I looked at Jeff and growled.

"You'll pay for that." I threw his knife at him and it stuck in to his lower stomach.

He coughed a bit and smiled "you have horrible aim, my heads up here." he pulled the knife out.

"Not the head I was aiming for." I flashed a sarcastic smile then charged at him, he dodged my attack and kneed me over and over in the stomach, I coughed and yelped. I took my knife and stabbed him in the back, he pushed me back and I slammed against the wall, I leaned against it, holding my stomach.

Sirens rang loud down the street, Jeff pulled my knife out and dropped it on the ground, he grabbed his and put it in his pocket; before he jumped out the window he looked me.

"I'll look forward to seeing you in the future." and then he was gone.

I grabbed my knife and left the same way, I fell to my knees before standing and weakly running towards the woods.

As soon as I was in the clear I fell, my breathing was heavy and my body ached. My adrenalin rush died down and I could feel the pain of my wounds.

The longer I laid on the ground, the heavier my eyes got, I didn't stop them from shutting.

Everything went blank and I was unconscious.



I hope you enjoyed and if you did press that little ☆ and give this story a vote (:

Tell me what you thought in the comments and share to friends (:

stay creepy


Dear Killer; I'll Teach You Too Care (Jeff x Jane The Killer)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora