Unfortunate Jane

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I'm drunk..

The cold threatened my exposed skin,  I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to generate some kind of heat.

I couldn't bring myself to go back to the mansion. Everything seems so peaceful out here in the woods, and I could remember my old life little by little.

It felt reassuring to remember the little things though,  even if they were taken away from me, I still cherished them deeply.

I sighed,  leaning against a tree. I could see my breath, the temperature was dropping rapidly,  cheers for winter.

I looked at the sky, I can't believe I'm about to do this, I closed my eye's.

"God, I know I haven't talked to you in years, I know I'm living in sin, though I can't bring myself to stop 'till I get the salvation I deserve. Just let mom and dad know I love them and not a second goes by that I don't think about the life we use to have, please let them know I apologise for who I am today."

I felt tears rim my eyes, I tried my hardest to hold them back, but I couldn't.

"praying? Never thought I'd hear such a thing come from you."  I turned around to see him, Jeff, he chuckled.

I turned my attention back to the sky,  closing my eyes again."I'm not in the mood to even think about you, go away."

A part of me wished he would just disappear, but the other part wanted him to stay and keep me company on such a cold,lonely and drunken night.

Jane, you're drunk and you hate the thought of Jeff and you breathing the same air, you don't wish to be near him, you wish to end him.

I sighed "What brought you here?"

"I was looking for you." I was certainly shocked by his response.

I chuckled "Well you found me, now go get lost."

"I need to ask you something,  I need help." He looked at me with cold eyes.

"No, but no one can help you, you're a lost cause now disappear so I can watch the sky and cry and be drunk."

"It's late and cold out and you're only wearing a dress." his voice was blank, no emotion just empty.

"What makes you care so much if I stay out late and freeze to death?" I snapped.

"Those we're excuses, I just need answers about how to suppress guilt." I felt the anger boil in me.

"I-i don't know,  just ignore it." I stood up, walking away when suddenly I was pulled back by my wrist and embraced in a hug.

Now I know what's wrong, the smell of alcohol lingered off his breath.  He's drunk too.

"You're drunk Jeff, let me go." I spoke monotonously.

I tried shoving him away but his grip only tightened around me, he was crushing me, literally.

"I-i can't breath Jeff, y-you're crushing me." his grip loosened up a bit but not much.

"Just stay here with me, I don't want to be alone." he whispered softly,  I just decided to hug back.

Tomorrow he won't remember a thing, He'll just go back to treating me like a diseased pest, how unfortunate?

We stood there, My head pressed against his chest, embracing each other for what seemed like eternity.  Jeff's heat kept me warm, but I spoke to soon, the wind started to pick up causing me the shiver.

"Are you cold?"

I hesitated to speak "N-no...."

He shock his head and pulled his hoodie over his head, he then proceeded to put it on me.

It drapped on me, going a bit passed me knees.

He's drunk, he'd never do this if he were sobber.

I felt the warmth of the hoodie surround me, I smiled a bit "thank you." I muttered a bit.

Jeff suddenly put his hand over my mouth "shh."

I tried to push his hand away but he pushed me behind him, like he was hiding or protecting me? "Be quite." he snapped.

I touched his shoulder, his body tensed up and  he continued looked around the area "Jeff, youre drunk and hearing things, calm down.

Jeff turned to me and grabbed his knife from the hoodie's pocket and turned back around,  still keeping me behind him "stay behind me, got it?"

"O-" I was interrupted by the feeling of something piercing my skin and pulling me away from Jeff, I yelped.

I looked down as the crimson color started to run into my hand and drip onto the white sheet of snow.

sometimes hissed behind me as they held me still by my waist.

"now let's not make any rash decisions." the voice hissed in a sinister way.

Jeff's eye's squinted and he gripped his knife "Rake." his voice was harsh and cold.


Sorry I haven't been able to update much and that's it's a short chapter but school's starting soon and I have family problems accruing at the same time D:

*sighs for eternity*

I know, it's dumb and it sucks.

I hope you all enjoyed,  remember to comment what you think, vote if you enjoy the story and share it to your friends :D

stay creepy my friends,


Dear Killer; I'll Teach You Too Care (Jeff x Jane The Killer)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz