Queen Of Peace

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My body felt numb, and everything was still engulfed in darkness, but I recognized that low raspy voice from anywhere. Jeffery

Was I really ready to go through with all of this? Could I really make Jeff fall in love with me? Is he even capable of love? What if I fail Zalgo? Will he kill me? Is he really in love with me? Or is he just using Liu's identity to manipulate me? Liu... Liu..

Jeff killed Liu too.. I miss the old, real, genuine Liu. He'd save me from all this. He wouldn't do any of this, he'd stop it all from happening.. If it weren't for Jeff; and if I was such an idiot to let Zalgo trick me into thinking Liu was still alive.. and now, it's like I'm in love with his memory all over again. 

I felt his arms embrace me; I felt his warmth and it sent thousands of tiny chills down my spin. 

"Jane, please tell me you're not dead."

I decided to give him a little scare, so I held my breath and slowed my heart rate down. 

Before I could break the news to him, I felt his head press against my chest. It felt nice, aside from the smell of dried blood in his hair. 

"Please, Jane.." His voice broke

Nothing but confusion fell over me. How could a man who killed my entire family, altered my appearance in the most horrific way, kill my lover who was his brother, and chase me down for years be crying over my death? 

This will be easier than I thought, Should I stab him now with that dagger Zalgo gave me? 

Laughing broke me from my thoughts "Ok Jane, enough games, I know your not dead." 

My eyes shot open and I immediately saw Jeff looking at me with a grin, "You're actually the most despicable person I know. " 

"The most!! You really mean that?!" He fluttered his eyelashes at me

I rolled my eyes, "how did you even find me?"

"What do you mean? we're playing hide and seek with BEN and the others?"

Blinking, even more confused than before, "I- I uh" 

"it's okay, I don't mind being all alone with you." He winked at me

"And that's my queue top leave" I pushed myself away from him but before I could react, he pulled me into him, falling back into the snow. 

Close enough to kiss, I just stare at his blue eyes.

"That wasn't very nice" I whispered 

"I'm known for not being a very nice guy" He smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"That's not true, you're nice to me." I slowly let my lips form a smile.

I felt his breath on my lips, and I couldn't help what followed next. Centimeters away from kissing my worst enemy, and I couldn't tell if i wanted it or not. 

I can hear the sound of footsteps crushing in the crisp snow, and I glance over to see Sally and Ben, with grins ear to ear. "Jeff and Jane sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g" they sing in unison. 

Jeff throws snow at Bens face, "tag, your it." 

"HEY! that doesn't count Jeff" Ben crossed his arms and huffed "anyways, your touching Jane, Jane's it" 

"Well look at that, congrats Jane, you're it." Jeff looks down at me and smiles. 

Jeff stands up and offers me a hand up, I hesitate at first, but I let him help me out of the snow. 

Dear Killer; I'll Teach You Too Care (Jeff x Jane The Killer)Where stories live. Discover now