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I woke up in a room, I sat up. My shoulder was sore and patched up,  I rubbed my head.

"where the he-" the door opened

oh dear god, I'm here.

"Hello, Jane."

"Jack." I rolled my eyes and stood up and stretched.

"How's your wound?" he walked over to cabinet and pulled out rubbing alcohol and cotton balls.

"It's still a wound." I started to walk towards the door but Jack grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"It'll get infected,  clean it." he handed me the cotton balls and rubbing alcohol and walked out of the room quickly.

I went over to the mirror and took off the wrap and looked at my wound, it was deep but it didn't hurt much. I dripped the cotton balls in the rubbing alcohol and gently went over the wound.

I put the wrap back on and pull my shirt back up...wait shirt?

The black shirt went past my butt, and I knew exactly whose shirt the was.

I haven't seen that bastard since our last encounter, and I could careless for him right now, but I swear on my parents grave if he personally put his shirt on me, I'm going to break him.

I stormed into the living room to see the ear to ear smiling asshole, I grabbed him by his hair.

"Hey..Hey Hey!" Jeff was laughing

I pulled him to the ground and took his knife from his pocket, he started to protest and stand up but I slammed him back down and put my foot on his chest.

"Do you think your funny? you've avoided my very presents for eight years and I finally cross paths with you and you think you can be a cocky asshole and dress me in your clothing?"  I pointed the tip of the knife at his throat.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't spill your blood right here, right now?" I gritted my teeth.

"A good reason is because I do NOT tolerate fighting under my roof, if you have differences to settle, do it out there and out of my woods." All our head shot up to see the one and only Slenderman.

Jeff had pushed my foot off of him and took his knife back, he stood up and towered over me, we glared daggers at each other.

I turned my back to Jeff, I started to walk out of the room but Slender called for me, I followed his tall figure through the halls, we finally made it to his office and I sat down.

"Jane, you're welcome to stay here, you already know this but Jeff has returned and you know the policy. I know with the type of past you two have it's hard to not try and kill each other, but again policy.  Do you understand?"

"I respect policy, and I'll obey but I swear to god when I get my chance, he's going to pay for everything he's done." I sat on the edge of my chair,  the simplest thought of Jeff, infuriated me.

"Just make sure it's not here then; now for my really question, what deal did you make, and with who?"

I hesitated, I couldn't speak to anyone about the deal I'm held up to.

"I can't speak about it to anyone,  I'm sorry but of you'll excuse me-" I went to stand up,  I couldn't let him break the answer out of me, I would have to pay a horrible debt if he found out.

Slender forced me down with one of his "arms", I widened my eye's at him.

"Jane, tell me." he beckoned me

"I can't! okay, I just can't tell you, I can't tell anyone!" I raised my voice at him, I couldn't tell if it angered him or not.

"you're dismissed, child." he waved me off and I stood up.

I walked out of the room, Jeff walked past me and ignored eye contact with me, he went into Slenderman's office,  he slammed the door behind him.

Don't eavesdrop drop Jane, don't do i-

to late,  I pressed my ear against the door and listened.

"She can't stay here!" Jeff's voice echoed in the room.

"Jeffery,  this place is welcomed to have her here, as well as for you. I can't throw her out." Slenderman's voice was calm and smooth but I could tell it only angered Jeff.

I heard a loud crash and a frustrating yell "Her being here is making it worse!"

Making what worse?

"Making what worse, Jeff?"

"T-these thoughts of home, mom, dad, Liu,  her fucking family, and her." It almost sounded like Jeff was crying.

"It's guilt,  you feel guilty."

"No! I'm a killer, I will never feel guilty,  I kill for pleasure, for fun, because it's fun to watch others suffer in pain!" I heard someone walk towards the door so I ran down the hallway quickly.

I sat at the top of the stairs and someone bumped into me, It was Jeff, he was pulling at his hair. I followed quietly behind, and he ran out the door.

"This is going to be bad." Masky spoke up.

"What do you mean?" I looked up at him.

"He's going to go on a killing spree, he does it every time he gets this way, he also drinks a lot which doesn't make anything better." his voice shook.

"He's reckless." I walked in another direction.

I went back into the room I woke up in and found my clothes, I pulled the disgusting shirt off me and put on my black dress and slipped my shoes on.

The sun was setting and I needed to rethink things, I could even possibly take Jeff out tonight while he's drunk, but with his attitude right now, that would be dumb of me.

I walked out the door without a word, I was too busy thinking about Jeff, as much as I hated him, I thought about him a lot. I'm not obsessed with the whole killing Jeff idea, but he betrayed me, hurt me, changed me, and has refused to apologize for eight years.

I couldn't blame Jeff for being to guilty to fess up and apologize,  but I certainly hoped the guilt ate him alive on the inside. 

Why are doing? Don't take Jeff's side, hate him and make him pay, revenge.

As much as my self conscious was right,  I couldn't help but think about the old Jeff, what made him snap? or was he just born this way? 

I could agree with Jeff on one thing, and that was a nice drink would be helpful right now.


So that was chapter two,

I hope you all enjoyed (: (: (:

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Dear Killer; I'll Teach You Too Care (Jeff x Jane The Killer)Where stories live. Discover now