In his wake

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((This chapter is set a year after the events in Thor.))

The large wooden doors swing open and Astrid enters her mistress's chambers. She sighs as she picks up the untouched tray of food she had left a few hours prior. Astrid turns and hands the tray off to a young girl from the kitchen. She quietly walks out onto the balcony where Saga lies, asleep on a lounge. Astrid smiles sadly at the sleeping form of her mistress, glad that at least in sleep she can have some peace. Taking a cloak she gently lays it over her and leaves.

Halfway down the stair, she looks up to see an Einherjar guard walk in the front door. "I have a message from the Queen for the Lady Saga."

Astrid quickly descends the remaining stairs, "She is not receiving visitors."

The guard looks down at her. "I am not a visitor. I have a message for her eyes only."

Astrid stands as tall as she can. "I will see that she gets it."

The guard eyes the stairs behind her. "My orders are to deliver it into her hand myself."

Astrid opens her mouth to protest, but is cut off when the guard suddenly drops to one knee. She turns to find Saga standing at the top of the stair, her cloak draped across her shoulders and her staff in her right hand. "It's alright Astrid." She descends the stairs one hand on the railing and the other gripping her staff firmly. When she reaches the bottom, the guard holds out a scroll of parchment neatly tied in a gold ribbon and bearing the queens seal. Saga takes the scroll and nods to the guard. "Thank you. You are dismissed."

The guard stands but doesn't leave. "I was told to wait."

Astrid glances up at Saga before turning to the guard. "Wait outside." She says curtly.

The guard nods and leaves. Saga turns and heads back upstairs, Astrid following close behind her. Saga returns to the lounge on the balcony and opens the scroll. Astrid stands at the door watching and waiting. After a moment of complete silence, Astrid takes a step onto the balcony. The parchment slips from Saga's hand onto the floor. "Send him on his way."

Astrid picks up the parchment and glances at the message written by the queen's own hand. 'He lives' She walks out the door. Tucking the scroll into a pouch at her hip she makes her way out to the guard. "Tell the Queen..." She pauses and looks back up the stairs. "There is no reply from the Lady Saga."

~*~*~Three days later~*~*~

Saga sits in her chambers staring into the dancing flames of the fire. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. Her chambers melt around her and in its place the colossal columns of the throne room appear.

The sounds of footsteps and a rattling of chains fill the otherwise silent hall. Peering around a column to her left, Odin sits upon his throne, Frigga standing nearby. Saga steps between columns and looks out to find the source of the noise. Walking toward the throne between two Einherjar guards and flanked by several more, was the slightly battered former prince of Asgard.

"Loki." Frigga steps toward her son.

He gives her a sardonic grin. "Hello, mother. Have I made you proud?"

"Please, don't make this worse." She says almost pleading.

Loki grins, "Define worse."

Odin stares down at the pair. "Enough! I will speak to the prisoner alone."

Frigga turns and leaves, as Loki is brought closer to Odin's throne he starts laughing. "I really don't see what all the fuss is about"

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