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Catlin was feeling the pressure of being a leader. With Abby in her coma that she had been in for almost two weeks and Clara had gone to Vegas to ask India's sister Mona about her disaperence. The only person she felt that she didn't have paparazzi around was Lola and that was, because Lola threatened to hurt them in the most painful way possible.
" Catlin!" Lola's voice called and Catlin felt herself smile as Lola's figure came into view. " Lola I'm so glad to see you." Catlin grinned hugging Lola who had Abigail by her side. " It's good to see you how's leading Loya?" Abigail asked giving her a hug as well.
" Stressful, I have no idea what to say to Angels about anything that isn't fighting." Catlin admitted. " Maybe it's about time we assign you a partner like me and Lola?" Abigail smiled at Lola. " My partner's Clara we already decided that." Catlin frowned. " Yeah, but until Clara gets back your going to need someone else." Lola explained sympathetically. " Fine who are my options." Catlin sighed. " Tasha Connors, Talia Sanders, or Dylan Sizemore." Abigail said. " Dylan as in a guy?" Catlin frowned not liking her options. " Look Dylan is a nice guy, strong, loves fighting, and honestly I think you two would get along great." Abigail shrugged. " Just try it for a while Catlin, if you don't like him you can try Tasha. Don't judge a book by the cover remember what happened with me." Lola brought up. Catlin sighed knowing Lola was right.
" Where do I find this Dylan?" Catlin asked. " Dylan is the Angel of Strategy  he is most likely talking with Alexa about leading Alloria while Abbys in a coma." Abigail suggested." How is Abby?" Catlin questioned. " She's restless in her mind she keeps calling out to a Callie, but there isn't anyone we know by that name." Lola frowned her face worried. " It isn't really that surprising I mean none of us really know Abby other than Clara." Abigail shrugged. " You think she's hiding something." Lola guessed as Catlin's frown deepened. " I know she's hiding something, she wasn't possessed by an Angel that died so she lied." Abigail pointed out. " Inferno might still be an Angel that died too early and is now living in her body." Lola argued.
" An Angel is living inside her body?" Catlin said in confusion. " When an Angel dies before it's supposed to it has the choice to live the rest of it's time in another Angels body." Abigail explained. " Abby told me that she had the old Angel of fire before Mikaela in her. She had been killed with her family apparently and decided to relive in Abby's body." Lola informed. " So a dead Angel is living inside Abby." Catlin summoned up.
" Basically yes, but I've never seen one as strong as that one and she's been around for ages." Abigail told them as the three walked towards Alexa's room. " Angels live an abnormally long time don't they." Catlin questioned. " Abby has and most of the leaders, but most of the minors retire." Lola answered. " There's a retirement!" Catlin eyes widened in surprise. " Sometimes I forget you're​ new at this." Abigail laughed. " How old are you two?" Catlin asked and the two shared a look.  " 330." Abigail grinned."190." Lola smiled. " Blimey you're old." Catlin gawked. " Not as old as Abby or Laura." Abigail shrugged. " How old are they?" Catlin asked curiously. " Laura is around 10 billion years old  and Abby is at least 14 billion." Lola answered after a moment of thought. Catlin's eyes widened dramatically. " No way!" Catlin gaped. " She's old and bound to be hiding something. She's almost as old as Lady Primavera's daughter Calliope." Abigail added and the frown returned to Catlin's face. " Abby wouldn't hide something unless she absolutely had to Abigail." Catlin defended her friend. " You're only saying that, because she made you famous." Abigail scoffed. " I hate being famous have you seen the paparazzi around here, it's crazy!" Catlin shouted aggravated. " Either way I'm going to do some research on Abby have fun with Dylan." Abigail  said before she left and Lola looked back in forth between the two. " Go on, you just got her back go be with her." Catlin told her and Lola gave her a grateful smile then ran after her best friend. Catlin knocked on the door then a guy with black hair and green eyes. " Catalina right." He said his eyes excited and Catlin sighed another fan boy. " Catlin." Catlin corrected immediately." Angel of weapons, why are you here?" He asked his green eyes studied her. " I'm here to see Dylan Sizemore Angel of Strategy." Catlin said trying to be as serious as possible. " See I told you." A girl's voice said and a beautiful girl with dark brown hair came into view. " I'm Alexa Sari or Thundia Angel of Electricity. This is Dylan Sizemore or Delarius Angel of Strategy." Alexa grinned her sky blue eyes danced.
" Abigail sent me to ask if you wanted to be partners." Catlin said trying to keep the unhappiness out of her voice. " I'd be fine with that, but I want to get to know you." Dylan said and Catlin smiled. At least he was reasonable. " Sure I'm open on Friday around 12.00." Catlin told him.
" Alright then it's a date." Dylan grinned and Catlin flushed red as soon as she heard the word date.
" Dylan how many times have I told you not to call it a date." Alexa said playfully punching him in the arm.
" Sorry I didn't mean it in that way." Dylan apologized. " Of course you didn't it's​ obvious that you two are dating." Catlin said with roll of her eyes. " Him!" Alexa shouted her eyes wide as Dylan seemed to be holding in a laugh. " We are childhood friends Catlin, definitely not dating. Besides she is way out of my league." Dylan admitted. " Don't say that you'll find someone eventually." Alexa said. " See you Friday." Dylan grinned before the two left the room. " I'm so stupid." Catlin muttered before leaving the room heading towards Jessica's dorm.

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