India's reserch

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Clara knocked on the door to Mona Night's house waiting for her answer. When it opened she saw India's younger sister Mona opened the door in a dark purple dress. Just the sight of her was almost enough to make her want to leave. Her and India looked almost identical. " Mona it's about India I need to ask you some questions." Clara said and Mona nodded letting her in immediately.
" make yourself at home." She said walking into the living room and sitting down on the couch. " was India researching anything about Lord Chaos or Lord Void." Clara asked.
" you don't think she was kidnapped by him do you?" Mona asked catching on to what she was hinting. " well it isn't like India to just disappear and from what the Quakes told me she was gone by the end of the battle at Thorngate." Clara explained. " Well she has always had an interest in the two ever since she found out about the angels so I would probably guess so." Mona shrugged. " Where is her computer." Clara asked and Mona left the room to go get it. Clara twiddled her thumbs looking at the familiar house of her friend." Here you go." Mona said giving her the galaxy computer. Clara typed in the password knowing immediately that it was her full name Clara Jayden Brookes. When she had logged in she looked at recent searches of Void and Chaos stories. Mona gasped and Clara just frowned her guess being confirmed. The most recent one was on Void and where he held his prisoners. Apparently after the battle of Thorngate she was going to start a rescue squad of Her, Abby, Lizzie the Angel of Shadows, Emily, Leona, and herself. " I can't believe she didn't tell me about this." Clara gaped looking at the map that had buildings marked and everything. " She just wanted to keep you safe Clara, I have a feeling it wasn't coincidence that they found her as soon as she was going to put this into action." Mona assured. " I'm just worried about her." Clara sighed. " India is stronger than anyone I know Clara she'll be fine." Mona seemingly confident about her statement. " I know, but she's always had me and now she doesn't have anyone." Clara sighed. " She's got the other prisoners." Mona pointed out.
" oh that's real helpful. Thanks for everything Mona, but I've got to go." Clara said trying to hide the sadness in her voice. " Bye Clara and please don't hesitate to contact me if you need me. " Mona told her as she left the house. Clara nodded shutting the door and was about to get on her hoverboard when a shadowy explosion erupted onto the streets a pink haired angel ran out of it with a blueish gray haired girl and a dark brown haired girl followed by demons. Clara grabbed her bow immediately shooting down demon after demon. The gray haired girl had also started firing arrows while the brown haired girl fought with a pair of daggers. " Behind me I'll protect the Angel!" Clara shouted pushing the trio behind her. " Angels!" The blueish gray haired girl corrected shooting her arrow. " Look she's injured that I can tell and she has over exerted her powers so I recommend the three of us protect her." Clara huffed. " And how do you suppose we do that." The pink haired Angel asked blood pouring from her nose as shadows attacked the demons. " Easy I'm calling for help." Clara said blowing her whistle which told Catlin, Abby, Abigail, and Lola she needed help. It was only a few minutes after that Abigail, Catlin, Lola, and Sasha appeared at the battle." Sasha take the trio to a safe area, Lola you take out the right side with me and Catlin you help Clara with the other side." Abigail ordered and Catlin ran over joining Clara's side." Just like the old days huh Clara." Catlin laughed as she decapitated a nearby demon. " Yeah tell me about it." Clara scoffed shooting an arrow through one of their heads. " Mind if I join the party." Sasha grinned using a portal to appear right beside them with her spear. " Help yourself to some demons." Catlin joked ripping the sword out of the demons stomach. They fought for an hour before finally defeating the demons. " Thank you for coming." Clara panted smiling. Sasha took their hands, but Catlin shook her head refusing. " I'm staying with Clara for now." She said stubbornly. Sasha shrugged as if to say your funeral before disappearing.
" C'mon Catlin you can help me patch up Lizzie, Yasmin, and Annie." Clara said packing up her arrows and hopping on the hover board. Catlin got on and the two flew off to where Annie was waiting. " Yasmin is taking care of Lizzie right now, but if you have any questions I'll be glad to answer them." Annie said her eyes giving them a cold look that gave Clara the thought that she really wouldn't be glad about it. " Where exactly did you guys come from?" Catlin asked." We were in Lord Voids prison." Annie said her voice harsh and Clara realized that was probably why they were all being on guard.
" Did you see India, is she alright." Clara asked. " I'm sorry, but we were in Florida. India was somewhere more towards the west." Yasmin's voice responded as she came down.
" How's Lizzie?" Clara asked since she and India had been close with her.
" She's sleeping right now which should tell you something. She has a bad fever and I'm afraid she's rather ill." Yasmin sighed. " I'll send Leona over to check on her later for you. As of right now I need to ask about Void and his army." Clara sighed. " From what we heard he won't be able to battle any time soon. Whatever happened two weeks ago destroyed not only most of his army, but also Voids physical form." Yasmin informed. " Abby did good, but is there anything that could maybe make that healing process faster." Clara asked. " Calliope could , but as you know she has been banished to Talorn her entire life." Yasmin supplied. " Well then when she wakes up I guess we all owe Abby a thank you." Catlin grinned. " What happened two weeks ago?" Annie asked looking straight at Clara." It's a long story, but I guess we have time." Clara sighed then she explained everything to the two girls.

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