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Abigail stood in her office rearranging everything once again. Ever since she had returned it had been a little awkward. Some of it was probably, because of the war the other was probably her. Abigail hated not knowing something and Abby White was an enigma nobody knew. So naturally she was curious about her, but Lola didn't take it that way. She took it as suspicion. That and she had the feeling that Lola was jealous. It made sense, but it was kind of aggravating. She understood why Lola wanted to fight in the war and all, but she couldn't fight against all the authorities. She had honestly tried but there was no convincing them. Abigail sighed she hated that things between the two of them were so complicated. Granted Abigail blamed no one but herself. She walked out of the office accidentally bumping into someone. She was about to apologize when she saw it was Lola.
" Hey Lola, what are you doing here?" Abigail asked her voice coming out happier then it should of considering their relationship, but she could never be upset with Lola." Do I need a reason to see my best friend." Lola asked and Abigail could sense the anger behind the question. Great she screwed up once more she thought with a sigh. " I didn't mean it in that way. I was actually just looking for you." Abigail said even though she wanted to be as far away from Lola as possible so she didn't make everything worse. " Oh well what did you need?" The anger in her voice turning into cuorsity. Welp no going back now she thought. " I wanted to know if you wanted to go out of town for a while with me." Abigail said a faint blush on her cheeks thinking the idea was silly. " What is one of your invention contest coming up." Lola asked dryly. " No actually I bought tickets for us to see Heaven of Angels the ballet that just came out that's showing in Graceland." Abigail said trying to hide the hurt in her voice. She put her hand in her left pocket grabbing the  showing her the two tickets to show her. " I got them a week ago. I've been saving up my invention money so we could go." Abigail admitted hoping she might change her mind. " Really you were doing all that for me?" Her voice soft and surprised." I love inventing, but 4 a month during the war that's a little much even for me." Abigail joked hoping to lighten the mood a little.
" Well why didn't you tell me that the first time, of course I'll go." Lola grinned and Abigail let out a sigh of relief. " Thank heavens, because there is no way I'd go with anyone else." Abigail smiled." Thank you Abigail, and I'm sorry I made you upset." Lola apologized. " It's fine Lola everything will be better when the past war phase is over." Abigail reasoned. " Oh before I forget Leona wanted you to visit the hospital where Abby's at." Lola said her voice turning serious.
" Why is she awake?" Abigail asked her voice excited. " Sadly no, she's actually getting worse we thought it might be a good idea to get you." Lola said her voice worried. " Alright I'll use my translocater to get there, see ya." Abigail smirked and a beam of light surrounded her making her making her disappear from the school and it reapered around her and she found herself in the Angel hospital. " Leona Stride called me." Abigail told the lady. " Right this way."  Felicia the Angel of Medicine said leading her to the hospital room. She entered to see Irene the Angel of Peace was crouched by Abby's side a hand on her stomach shaking violently as Leona watched in horror.
" Get Irene off her and whatever you do don't take me away from Abby." Abigail ordered and she grabbed Abby's hand. Immeditley she was brought into the darkness where once again Inferno was burning Abby alive though this time she seemed almost used to it. " Hey Inferno why don't you stop tormenting yourself and talk with me." Abigail hollered and Inferno whipped around and she noticed that she looked slightly different. Her dress had flames surrounding the bottom, she held two blades that burned brightly, a alicorn of flames stood beside her, and  her eyes were made completely out of fire. " You again what are you doing here." She shouted angrily the fire spreading towards her, but not quite touching her." She's my friend why wouldn't I be here." Abigail said reasonably as Abby struggled into a standing postion leaning against the wall. " Friend you hardly even know her!" Inferno snarled and the flames lept towards her. She braced herself for the flames, but they never came.
" Why do you protect a worthless Angel and not yourself." Inferno demanded glaring at Abby who glared defiantly back. " First Abigail isn't worthless, Second why not it makes you angry, and Third I need her to do something." Abby listed and Abigail laughed at her friends words. " How could the Angel of Inventions help us." Inferno sneered. " Help me not you, now Abigail we don't have much time until she over powers me so listen closely." Abby told her and it was moments like these that she actually believed that Abby was billions of years old. " Whatever you need me to do." Abigail told her preparing herself for the list of things she would need to do. " I need you to do whatever you can to figure out every important thing about my family and my powers." Abby said and Abigail looked at her confused.
" You can't do that, its suicide!" Inferno shouted though she sounded more surprised then angry. " Better then this living hell, besides its not suicide its just very unlikely that I'll live." Abby corrected. " So how do you expect me to do this?" Abigail asked. " I don't know I can't tell you or else you'll be burned alive and I'll be sent to Talorn unconscious which really will be suicide." Abby said helplessly. " Oh that was so helpful." Abigail shouted rolling her eyes angrily. " I really shouldn't be giving you any help, but what do I got to lose. My sister I call her Callie. Her title was Devastating Storm that she got from my uncle and mine was the Time Mistress." Abby said quickly and Abigail was barely able to catch it all before she was forced to leave. Abigail gasped feeling drained.
" Abigail what hapened?" Leona asked. " I talked with Abby she needs me to dig up everything on her past do you have anyone who can help me?" Abigail asked. " Yes her name is Roxanne she's Abby's daughter. Roxy lives in Loria on 341 Chaos Drive." Leona said with a confident look. " I'll go with you since I know where its at." Irene said and Abigail noticed she was still shaking. " Right then I need to pick up Lola, but then we can go." Abigail said she grabbed Amy's arm and the two dissapered from the hospital.

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