The two groups join

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Catlin was ready when Clara came back. " Clara I need to talk to you about something." Catlin said and Clara looked at her weirdly. " And what would that be about?" Clara asked her. " Leona asked me to help Abigail find out about Abby's past and it seems to me you are the only one who knows everything." Catlin said.
" It was the one thing I took pride in. Though I'll admit that I only know about Inferno." Clara told her. " That's alright anything helps." Catlin said. " Inferno was once the daughter of Void Lady Serafine the Angel of fire." Clara started." He had a daughter." Catlin said shocked. " Surprisingly enough his wife Osira was a very kind ruler and it wasn't until the incident with their daughter-." Clara sighed trailing off." So let me get this straight our long time enemy wasn't always evil." Catlin said." Yeah it wasn't until their daughter lost control of her powers in the middle of a populated area. Calliope Lord Chaos's only daughter and the Angel of Power battled against her. Calliope ended up wining though she had killed Serafine in the end she was banished to Talorn. That's how the story goes." Clara told her. " So how does this go with Abby's past." Catlin asked. " Though Calliope was the one to kill her I believe that Abby was a mortal that was close to Calliope at the time. I also believe she fought alongside Calliope during the battle against Inferno." Clara said.
" So what happened to Abby if Calliope was banished. " Catlin asked.
" Well I'm pretty sure Primavera adopted her since she lost her daughter, but Lord Void also blamed her and entertwined his daughter's soul with Abby's making them two different minds sharing one body and so Abby fought Inferno to regain control of her body." Clara said.
" Thank you Clara though do have anyone who might know her parents." Catlin asked. " There is Allaria who might know that she lives in Grayville, Loya. You might want to use this." Clara said giving her a weird device. " What is this." Catlin asked. " Well me and Abby aren't nearly as good as Abigail, but it's a teleporter. Throw it while thinking of your destination and step through the portal and it will get you there." Clara explained. " Thank you Clara." Catlin grinned hugging her best friend. " It's no problem Catlin just be careful alright. Oh and take your hoverboard as a way to get back." Clara said handing her the red board. 
She waved goodbye before throwing the device and stepping through the portal. She appeared in a city filled with gray skies and trees with no leaves. " Well this is depressing." She mumbled before looking at the black mansion she stood in front of. " Catlin what are you doing here!" A voice yelled and she turned to see Lola ridding a hoverboard with Abigail alongside her. " The same thing as you I just came from talking with Clara." Catlin told her. " Oh did you learn anything?" Abigail asked. " Yeah  apparently Lord Void's daughter Serafine faced off against both Calliope and Abby during the battle she died in. So while Calliope was banished Abby was cursed with Serafine's soul in her body." Catlin said. " So your at the same place as us basically." Lola summoned up. " Oh and Lady Primavera adopted her." Catlin added having forgotten that part. " Well that certainly helps though I still regrettably believe we have to ask Allaria for help." A third voice said and Catlin looked behind the two to see a pink haired figure that she recognised from the last battle she was in. " Your Irene right." Catlin said hoping her memory was right. " I go by Amy, but yes I am." Amy grinned her green eyes seemed to smile at her as her wings fluttered behind her. " Amy has been helping us with location stuff. That and we thought we might need her if we were contacting Allaria." Lola said frowning at the mansion. " Is there something wrong with Allaria?" Catlin asked confused. " Other than her being the Angel of Darkness." Lola brought up. " Shush Lola she has a point. No the reason we are so on edge is the fact that she was best friends and possibly in love with Alexandria." Abigail said her voice went quiet at the mention of the fallen angel. " Oh." Catlin said meakley. No longer wanting to go to Allaria." Yeah, but we need her help and so that is what we are doing." Amy said before knocking on the door. It was a couple minutes before a girl with long black hair and blue eyes opened the door. She wore a assortment of flower jewlery along with a gray scarf, black top, skinny jeans, and long heeled boots. " Amy!" She squealed hugging her as soon as she saw her. " Are you sure this is the right adress." Catlin whispered to Lola. " What are you doing here Gayle  I thought you were supposed to be helping that flower prade." Amy grinned at the girl named Gayle.
" Allania asked me to come to help her feel better since I know what it's like to lose someone whose really close to you." Gayle said the smile on her face fell slightly. " Well then I think interductions are in order Gayle this is Catlin Monroe the new Angel of Weapons and leader of Loya. Catlin this is Gayle Jane the Angel of Nature and Emotions." Amy said introducing the two. " It's a pleasure to meet you." She grinned holding her hand out and she shook hands with Catlin. " It's my pleasure as well." Catlin said. " You know I think that's the nicest I've ever heard Catlin say." Lola said and they all started laughing except Catlin who blushed. " Hey" Catlin glared at Lola hitting her slightly. " Anyway Gayle is Allaria home." Amy asked. " Look Amy I get you probably just want to help and so do the rest of you, but she really isn't ready to see people right now." Gayle said softly. " Actually this is about Abby and we could really use her help." Abigail said. " Please Gayle." Amy pleaded and Catlin saw Gayle sigh. " Why can't I say no to you." Gayle frowned. " Because I'm your Girlfriend and you love me." Amy smiled and Catlin looked at the two a small smile on her face. " I'll talk to her you four can come in though." Gayle told them before leaving. They stepped inside and waited for Gayle to retutn.

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