Abby's Family

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It was five long minutes before Allania came down. She looked exactly as Abigail remembered. With her dark brown hair that was so dark it looked black, her deathly pale skin, dark brown eyes, black dress, black heeled boots, and her yin/yang necklace that she always wore. " Hello Abigail what do you want?" She said her voice void of emotion. " We are here to see if you can tell us about Abby's family." Lola said softly. " Did I ask you!" Allania yelled her brown eyes blazed and Abigail remembered why she was feared by almost everyone for her temper was dangerous. " Allania." Gayle said her voice held a warning tone. " Sorry Alex's death has taken a toll on me." Allania sighed and Abigail gave her a sympathetic look. " I'm Catlin Monroe." Catlin told her and Abigail held back a sigh at how bad Catlin was at switching topics. " Allania Darkholme or Allaria Angel of Darkness. Now you wanted to know about Abby's family. She has a mom, dad, had a sister, a uncle, a aunt and had a cousin." Allania listed. " Do you know their names?" Amy asked. " Primavera, Chaos, Calliope, Void, Osira, and Serafine." Allania grinned and their jaws dropped. " Your kidding I thought they only had one kid." Abigail said wide eyed. " Think about the facts Adeliade she has a sister she calls Callie who is somewhere an angel never goes which Calliope is currently living in Talorn. She is the most powerful angel known today and the oldest. Any time contact is needed with Chaos and Primavera it's Abby who makes the call. She's got an angel of fire that radiates hatred for her living inside her. What other proff do you need." Allania smiled crazily. " She would have told me if that were true." Abigail said firmly not believing Abby would keep a secret this big from her.
" Oh, but if the price was being sent to Talorn you would find angels would do anything to prevent that." Allania said darkly. " You didn't." Abigail brought up. " I didn't have a choice since the council needed someone to watch Lucifer and who better then the Angel of Darkness." Allania scoffed bitterly. Abigail was about to respond when a huge earthquake hit shaking the earth. " I thought earthquakes usually stayed away from Grayville!" Gayle shouted her and Amy hiding under the table.
" They do!" Allania yelled pushing herself and Catlin underneath as well. Abigail pressed a button on her wristband and a huge metal umbrella covered her and Lola. " Really." Lola said looking up at it. " Got to be prepared right." Abigail shrugged. It continued for about 5 minutes before finally coming to a stop. Allania got everyone out from the table while Abigail put her umbrella away. " Do you have a remote for this?" Lola asked Allania gesturing to the T.V. " I haven't used it since I got it, but yes." Allania said getting into a cabinet to get the remote before giving it to Lola. Lola handed it over to Abigail who quickly turned it on before going to the news. They watched and the worst area was in Alloria right around the hospital. " We have to go." Abigail said taking Lola's hand. " Not without me." Catlin insisted. " Fine, but no slowing us down." Abigail told her letting the leader side of her show. " I'll call Alexa and ask her who is leading Alloria as of right now." Allania said going off and Abigail smiled. Allania really would of been a great leader had Alex not died. Grabbing Catlin's hand before Lola hit a few buttons on the teleporter on her wrist before they found themselves in front of the hospital. The three walked in and she was immeditley greeted with a hug from Laura.
" What happened?" She asked the leader of Roshira. " There was a huge hole that formed in Abby's room it seems the energy waves caused a world wide earthquake that people will be wondering what caused it. We will have scientist onto us for years." Laura groaned. " What about Abby?" Lola asked. " Gone she and Leona fell into it." Laura said throwing her hands up. " Can we see it?" Abigail asked. " The whole closed up as soon as they fell." Laura sighed miserably.
" You were there." Catlin said in realization and Abigail laughed having already figured that out. " The real question is why did Leona go." Abigail frowned. " The Angel connection duh." Catlin said rolling her eyes. Abigail just looked at her not knowing weather to be confused or shocked by Catlin's statement. " Of course if Abby is Leona's angel connection then she would of almost felt compelled to." Lola put together.
" How did you know Abby was Leona's connector?" Abigail asked Catlin. " That is the question seeing as the only people who know hers are herself, Abby, me, and emily I only know because I'm her best friend and Emily is her other one." Laura said with a raise of her eyebrow. " I talked with Leona before I went to Clara. I hadn't expected to learn much about Abby from her, but Leona was my main source for information." Catlin admitted. " Either way I need to contact Alexa and tell her the news. She'll have to lead with Abby's absence." Laura sighed. " Allania has already done it." Abigail said stopping her. " Allaria did, you're joking aren't you!" Laura said wide eyed. " Nope she really is a good leader." Abigail smirked. " Well then I guess I'm contacting Lord Chaos then goodbye Abigail, Lola, Catlin." Laura nodded at them before she left. " What now?" Catlin asked. " Now we need to open the gates of Hell so the two of them can get out will you help me?" She asked Catlin and Lola. " Of course I will Abigail. You aren't leaving me this easily." Lola grinned. " I'll go as well though won't we need help. I mean three of us isn't necessarily an army." Catlin pointed out. " Two more members and I have just the people." Abigail smirked and they joined hands before teleporting to their destination.

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