Getting to know Dylan

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Catlin didn't know what she was supposed to do. Friday had come up a lot sooner than she had expected and with everything that had been going on this week she had completely forgotten about it until Clara asked about the temporary partner date she had set up. Well it wasn't a date, but  she didn't know what else to call it. She looked at her closet though it didn't have any fancy clothes in it and she knew it. " Hey Catlin what are you doing back here, I thought you were staying with Lizzie, Annie, and Yasmin." Jessica asked as she came into the room." I'm having a meet in greet with Dylan the Angel of strategy and I have not planned at all." Catlin said her voice slightly panicked and Jessica laughed. " You like red right? I have a pair of red flats and a red dress if you'd like to borrow it." Jessica told her pulling out a simple short red dress with matching red shoes. " Really oh thank you Jessica you're the best." Catlin smiled taking the red purse which Jessica handed to her that matched the dress well. She slipped two knives in the purse before going to the bathroom to put on the dress. When she got it on she came out and Jessica smiled at her. " Beautiful there's just one more thing I want to add." Jessica told her and she brought out a necklace that had a little red orb in the middle it was a cross with a Dragon wrapped around it. " This is yours?!" Catlin asked surprised. She hadn't expected Jessica to even own a dress let alone a whole outfit accessories included since she was a country gal. " Actually the whole outfit belonged to Bianca, but she said if something happened to her all of her stuff would go to me since she had no family. So just be careful alright." Jessica told her, but Catlin could hear the strain in her voice.
" Thanks Jessica and if you need someone to talk to I would be glad to listen." With that Catlin strapped her last knife under dress before leaving the room. When she arrived at the  meeting place Dylan was already there. " I didn't take you as a dress person." Dylan smiled. " I  actually haven't worn dress since I was 6, but I needed something nice and this was the best Jessica had so you're right I'm not a dress person ." Catlin laughed.
" Well then shall we order something?" He asked. She nodded before getting a glass of water and a salad. He looked at her weirdly and she just shrugged. " I'm an athlete I eat healthy." She said bluntly. " So Catlin do you have any family members." He asked. " Just my sister Claudia, but she's not an Angel. How about you?" She asked. " I have a brother Kai he's the Angel of War known as Kane. Either way we're quite similar. What's your sister like?" Dylan asked as their food came.
" Claudia is good with technology and  she's my mother figure since my mom and dad died when I was 6." Catlin told him and he nodded in understanding. " That seems to be the case with most angels. Either they were abandoned at a young age or their parents died. Abby's parents were murdered along with her siblings when she was 13." Dylan told her. " Abby had siblings?!" Catlin announced shocked. " A twin brother and an older sister Mitchell and Teresa White. Murdered by demons, she blames herself for their death it's not surprising you don't know." Dylan told her sadly. " How did you know?" Catlin asked him. " Along with being the Angel of Strategy I'm also the Angel of Mind. I had to go into her mind once." Dylan told her.  " So you're one of the more main angels then." She said recalling what Abby said about two titles. " The best Male Angel actual." He said pridefully. She was going to start a new conversation when they heard a scream and she grabbed her knifes running outside to see demons trying to kill two brown haired girls. " Alexa!" Dylan called and Catlin realized it was the girl she met with Dylan on Monday. She ran over with Dylan killing demons as they ran." Well if it isn't Dylan and Catlin you look nice." Alexa grinned. " If you ever bring up that I wore a dress to anyone I will throttle you princess you got that." Catlin said with a threatening growl. " Got it by the way I'm Alexis Sari her sister." Alexis introduced herself cutting off the head of a demon with her sword.
" Catlin Monroe." She called over to her. Once all the demons were gone Dylan looked over to her with a smile.
" Not too bad for a girl in a dress." Dylan complimented. " If you think that was good you should see me when I'm actually in the proper clothes for this." she joked." I most likely will if you're going to be my partner." Dylan told her. " So is your sister an Angel too? Catlin asked Alexa. " Yep Catlin meet Camira Angel of the Winds." She introduced. " I can introduce myself Alexa, it's nice to meet you Catlin I've heard a lot about you." Alexis told her with a shake of her hand. Catlin told Dylan goodbye before heading back to her dorm. " So how did it go?" Jessica asked her. " There was a demon attack, but what else can you expect." Catlin shrugged and Jessica gave a small chuckle.
" Though you kept your promise seeing as the clothes are all in tact." Jessica pointed out. " Yep, at least Dylan seemed nice. He seems like the teasing type,but I don't mind that." Catlin told her. " Well I'm glad you had fun." Jessica smiled. " Hey Jessica do you have any family?" Catlin asked her remembering what Dylan had told her about Angels when they were still at the restaurant." I'm an only child and my mom died during childbirth." Jessica told her. " Your father?" She asked knowing she probably shouldn't be pushing her luck. " I don't know I went to an orphanage as soon as I was born, but my parents were happily married. The only thing I know is that he's in a hospital for some reason." Jessica sighed. " I could find Lola and ask if she could have Abigail look around for you." Catlin offered making Jessica's eyes brighten." Oh thank you Catlin." Jessica grinned. " You know I never learned what Angel you are." Catlin told her. " Justine Angel of The Hearth." Jessica told her then Catlin went to bed.

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