Chapter 2

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Ryland's Pov
I got up early today. I put on some shorts and a tank top and headed downstairs. Since I had plenty of time I decided I wanted to workout. I decided today I'd just use the treadmill since yesterday was a big day I'm not really in the mood to be too active.
I start walking slowly and turn music on softly. I pick up the pace a bit.
I turn the music up as I'm at a running for a while.
All of a sudden my brain just starts to think.
Am I ready for this? This is a big step for Shane and I. What if I'm bad at being a parent? Hopefully Max doesn't hate us. I wonder all the things he likes to do? He looks a bit sad.. I mean I would be to but.. I want to help take that sad away. Hopefully Shane and I can do that.
*I hear Shane get up making me realize it's atleast 9am now*
I get off the treadmill with sweat dripping down my forehead. I walk to the kitchen.
"Good morning" I say to Shane.
"Morning" he says rubbing his eyes.
"I'm gonna make some breakfast" he chuckles "and yes I know that's not normal and I'm lazy but I decided to do it so" he says
"Awh okay I'll go check to see if Max is up" I reply.
I walk to Max's room.

Max's Pov
Dear Max,
I wrote this a while ago.. Because I knew eventually people would come and realize how amazing you are. You're the greatest friend I've ever had. I hope things go well in your new home, most of all I hope you're happy. I hope they treat you the way you very much deserve. I hope you know you're still gonna be my best friend. Always.
P.S don't forget me and call me at the orphanage hopefully they let us talk but if not you know where I am
Lots of Love, Ali
I've reread it like 15 times now and each time I cry because I had to leave the one person who knew me.
Allison and I met when I was 8. It was the day I came in.. I was crying and everyone else was laughing. She was the only one who cared. I'm gonna miss having someone to talk/vent to, to hold me when I'm having a panic attack.
My anxiety flares up. I can't do this.. I can't do this. Not without Allison.. I'm gonna forget to eat.. I'm not gonna have anyone to talk me out of cutting.. She's the one person who knew all of my struggles.. And now we aren't together.. What if I never get to see her again.. Shane wouldn't do that right?
*Knock Knock*
My thoughts are interrupted.
"Max? Are you up?" I hear Ryland say softly.
We got here late last night. They gave me a tour and I told them I was tired. I wasn't really tired I just am use to being alone.
"Sorry.. Yeah I'm up" I say opening the door revealing a tired looking Max.
I have short dark brown hair with green eyes and such pale skin. Today I just looked kinda dead due to the fact I was up overthinking everything possible.
"Oh good, Shane and I were about to eat if you want to join" he says and smiles.
"Oh.. Great.. Sure" I say trying to smile as my stomach tightens at the thought
Oh god. Oh god. Food? Why? I've been doing so well but.. I had Allison cheering me on every meal. Fuck.
Ryland and I walk down to the kitchen together

                         Shane's Pov
I got up a bit earlier then I normally do. I thought I'd try to cook a breakfast for Ryland and Max. Since it's gonna be Max's first official day with us.
I made a bit of everything. There's some waffles, eggs, bacon, toast, fruits. I even got apple juice and orange juice and there's also cereal just incase he doesn't like my cooking.
*I hear Ryland and him coming to the table area*
"Wow you went all out Shane" Ryland says.
"Oh it looks good" Max adds.
"Awh, thanks. We can get started" I say while taking a seat. I distribute plates and silverware to them.
I look at the food at then look up and Ryland to see him smiling his quirky smile. I look at Max.. But.. He doesn't look very happy. He looks scared. Oh shit fuck he looooked up and his smile dropped. I look away slowly and grab some food on my plate. I watched as Ryland does the same, and max gets a few things.
"Did you sleep well" I ask Max.
"Yeah I slept fine." He replied as he moves his food around on his plate.
"That's good" I say as I take a bite.
"What do you want to do today" Ryland asks.
"We could go out for a bit and walk around" Max says as he nibbled his waffle.
"Oh okay that's fine" I say but dread because walking.
We slowly finish up our meal. I take Max's plate but realize he only took like 2-3 bites of it. He drank though.. He drank the juice which I think is good. But what if..he doesn't eat enough.. Or gets too small.. Is he even not eating on purpose? He could just be feeling sick.
We finish our food and Max gets dressed.
"Do you guys want to go out now?" Ryland asks.
Both Max and I say yes.
We end up going to a park. It has some water spouts I thought would be cool to play in. Ryland,Max and I start playing and goofing off. I pick Ryland up and put his head in the water.
"Shane!!" Ryland whines.
All of a sudden Max dumps a bucket of water on me.
"Is this war?" I say laughing.
I chase after Max when he falls.
"Ryland! Ryland! Fucking hurry!" I scream "oh fuck fuck someone call 911" I shout out.
We are now surrounded by people and fans are taking pictures. Oh no oh no this will be everywhere.. Oh god stop being selfish Max is hurt.
The ambulance pulls up and gets Max on a Stretcher. Ryland decides to ride with him as I race to the hospital.
They are suddenly trying to take him  back saying he's not doing to well.
"Please be okay" Ryland says as looks at me wanting my support.
"Babe.. It's okay.. It's gonna be okay" I reply as I take Ryland in my arms. And we wait.. Sitting there.. Not knowing what will happen.

//not my best but hopefully it gets better//*not much action sorry*// ~G

The Orphan (Shane Dawson and Ryland Adams)Where stories live. Discover now