Chapter 5

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                     Brandon's Pov
I can't stop thinking about the boy named Max I met the other day. Like wow. I understand we just met but I really want to get to know him. Hopefully he texts me and we get to talk or hang out more. Like I really want to know him
"Brandon!" My mom calls from the other room.
"Yes?" I shout back so she can hear.
"It's time for breakfast and school hurry up" she shouts.
Oh fuck. Totally forgot about school. Ew other humans. Frickin Frack balls. School sucks. So does social anxiety. Bleh.
I get up and get ready for school hopping into the shower. I take a 20 minute shower and dry off. I decide to wear skinny jeans and just an old band t shirt that I've had for years. I go down the stairs and notice my little sister sitting down. Her names Leah. She's 9. I grab a piece of toast and put it in the toaster as I grab a plate and pile on some eggs and bacon.
"How'd you sleep" my mom asks
"Really well" I say as I realize I dreamt about an adventure.
In my dream I visited the 7 wonders of the world. I don't think I was alone. I think someone was with me. The sights were breathtaking.
"That's good" my mom says as she gets me back to reality.
"Yeah" I say as I shovel some of the eggs into my mouth. "This is good mom" I say with a smile.
"Thanks love" she replies as she hands me the toast.
I chow down as I realize I have to get to school soon.
"I'm gonna head out" I say as I grab my jacket and helmet.
"Have fun at school" mom says as I groan at the word school.
I get outside and get on my motorcycle and I head off to school which is about 15 mins away from my house.

Shane's Pov
So when I called for schools the closest one in our district was Clearwater High. It's only like 6 blocks away so it's not too far and mostly I think Ryland and I will be taking/picking up Max. It's a really nice school with a big fountain infront of it. It's a public school so hopefully Max makes friends. I remember high school. Wasn't the greatest but I made it. I told Max last night about school and I could tell he wasn't too happy about it. I mean what teenager would? Well I guess some people like school but still.
"Ryland?" I yell up the stairs.
"What?" He asks.
"Is Max up yet?" I ask.
"No, do you want me to wake him" he asks.
"Yes he needs to get up for school" I tell him.
"Okay will do" Ryland says back.

Ryland's Pov
Dang. Shane's making me wake up Max. I really don't want to wake him up and him be upset. Eh it's okay he shall get over it hopefully.
I knock on Max's door quietly. No answer. So I knock louder and open the door to Max snoring.
"Max..?" I whisper
"Max! It's time for school" I shout slightly as I see Max stir a bit.
"Hm?" I hear Max reply as he lays up rubbing his eyes.
"Time for school. We have breakfast ready downstairs if you care to join us" I say as I leave him to get ready.

Max's Pov
I get up sluggishly moving around. I get dressed since I took a shower last night. I look in the mirror and groan and splash my face with water. I grab the comb and comb out my hair since it looks a mess. I grab a pair of jeans and a plain blue t shirt and I put on my converse. I slowly walk down the stairs still trying to wake up. I get to the dining room and I hear Ryland and Shane still talking.
"Good morning" Shane says as he hands me a plate.
Ew food. Ughhhhhhh.
I smile as I grab a piece of toast and a banana and I eat it slowly.
"Did you sleep good?" Ryland asks.
"Yes, I actually did" I say as I take another bite of my toast.
I unpeel the banana as I take a bite and I eat it quickly as I get up and grab a pencil from the drawer.
"I'm ready" I say.
"Oh shit we forgot to get supplies, um we will do that after school once you know what you need" Ryland says.
"Okay that's fine" I say as I head out the door with both of them following. We drive to the school and get out. School has already started so we get in without really being seen. We head to the office. We sit down with the principle as Shane and Ryland do all the paper work and medical and emergency things. I look around the room as I wait. The principle hands me a paper with my schedule. He told me it's a one level high school so it won't be hard to find them. Shane and Ryland talked to him about my name situation and he assured them that they would all call me Max. Hopefully Shane lets me legally change it to Max soon.
I head to my first class. It's English. I walk in and everyone is already staring which makes me like 300x more nervous. I quickly take a seat as I say "sorry I'm late" I endure the 10mins of English left. As the bell rings I quickly leave the room and head to my next class. My next class is Art. I look around for the Art room and ask someone for help and they point me in the right direction. It's at the end of the 2 wing hall. I guess all the juniors and senior classes are over here. I speed walk down the hall.
I get inside the room as I see a familiar face.
"Max?" Brandon says.
"E-e-er..hi" I say nervously.
" I didn't know you go here" he says smiling.
"Oh.. I just started here today" I reply as I slowly take a seat next to him.
"Oh wow. That's cool. Welcome to Clearwater high." He chuckles.
"Thanks. So.." I say softly.
"Can I see your schedule" Brandon asks.
"Sure" I say handing him my schedule.
"We have Art, Trig and French together" he says.
"Oh nice. Atleast I won't be alone" I say with a soft smile.
"If you want we can eat together at lunch" he says.
Oh god. Lunch? Fuuck I forgot people eat at school. I can do it. I can do it.
My smile wavers as I reply "sure that sounds good".
The teacher comes in and the day rolls by with classes and new faces. I didn't make any new friends today. Things take time though. It wasn't a horrible experience. I'm just not the greatest at talking to others.. Or participating.

//one of my better pieces of writing// when insomnia hits so you just write more// anyways leave suggestions if you want and hope you enjoy// ~G

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