Chapter 1

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  Authors note: "She" is the main character and her name with be revealed and used in future chapters. But for now there is "She" and Morgan, the boyfriend  

She was running. The train was coming and she needed to get home. She needed to see the man she loved. It had been exactly nine hours since she had last seen him but being there had made it feel like an eternity. She wanted to be home before he got there. Faster and faster she ran. Closer and closer to where she needed to be. She looked behind her, the train was about 100 yards or so back. She saw the opening to the outside world just ahead. To get there she would need to to risk her life by running over the tracks to the other side. As she got closer she veered right, onto the second set of tracks, stopping to look at the train. She stood still allowing the train to get close. When the train was just out of reach she quickly ran through the portal that would take her back. Once through the portal she fell to the ground. Luckily no one was around this part of the woods. She stood up and dusted off the dirt. 

"You promised to wait for me" a voice said. She turned around. The person she wanted so desperately  wanted to see, but not now. 

"Morgan?" she said in surprise. "You're supposed to be at work" she said, nearly out of breath.

"And you're supposed to be home, waiting for me, like you promised " Morgan replied quickly. He turned and started to walk off.

"Morgan wait" she called out. Morgan stopped walking but didn't turn around. "I had to go, there was an emergency. We are here now, do you still want to go?" she asked. Morgan turned around. 

"Lead the way" she held out her hand and Morgan took it. She led him back up the path to the portal. 

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