Chapter 9

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Elayna was awaken by a knock at the door. She groaned and reluctantly got out of bed, pulled her jeans on and went to the door. She opened it and the queen was there.

"Good morning my dear!" she said in a cheery tone. She pushed past Elayna and set the tray of food she was holding down and let the bag on her shoulder fall to the floor with a light thud. 

"I brought you breakfast and some supplies you might find helpful. Food, water, weapons a map and a letter that you must present to Samus when you find him or you will be brought back here and imprisoned. There are also details an what he is needed to do" She took Elayna's smooth hands in her wrinkly, bony ones. "Please, be careful. Our fate is in your hands" she said. 

She gave Elayna a tight hug and then excused herself.

When the door was shut Elayna rushed over to the tray of food. There was an assortment of nuts, fruits and lemon tarts. Elayna quickly ate two tarts and some blueberries. She then picked up the bag, put her boots on and left the room. On her way down the hall Elayna opened the bag and searched for the map. It was rolled up near a container of more lemon tarts. Elayna smiled to herself. The queen remembered that she loved lemon tarts. 

Once Elayna was outside the castle she unrolled the map. On it she saw the palace marked and there was a line that led to a circle marked "Forest of fawns and foxes". One the opposite side of the circle was another line that led to some triangles that were marked "Land of dragons" and next to it were the words "Sea of sirens  and mermaids. In the top left corner of the map was a circle that read "Mount of griffins".

Elayna had to head North. As she walked she thought. When she was in high school she learned about the history of the angels and demons. She wondered if the fawns had a king and queen. Same with the mermaids and Sirens,  who was their leader? 

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