Chapter 7

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Inside the castle was dim and chilly. John, Morgan and Elayna seemed to be the only ones inside. John led them them through the gates, across the bridge and down a long hallway. At the end of the hallway there were staircases on either side and a very large room beyond them. The room was dimly lit by torches and two people sat at the thrones. 

The king looked middle aged with facial hair and the dimness of the room added to the tint of his skin and made him appear red. The queen was as pale as a dawn sky and her hair was white, long and straight. She looked young, maybe thirty.

"Elayna! You've returned!" the queen jumped out of her throne and hugged Elayna. She then turned to Morgan. "And who is this handsome fellow?" she asked. 

"I'm Morgan, her boyfriend" he said. The queen pursed her lips and then introduced the king.

"This is King Dean, king of the demons, and my husband and you have already met out son, prince John" 

"John, would you please excuse us?" the king asked. John looked confused and annoyed but he left the room.  

"Tell us Elayna. You didn't leave just to get away from John did you?" the queen asked. Elayna was confused on why the king and queen weren't upset with her or why they were so calm about her return. 

"No, of course not" Elayna finally replied. 

"And why did you come back?" the king asked.

"I asked her to bring me here" Morgan replied. The queen looked at him. 

"Why did you want to come here? How did you even come to find out about this place?" she asked. 

"I told him I wasn't human and that I came from here and he wanted so badly to visit and I didn't see a problem with it" Elayna said. 

"I see" said the queen. "But he can't stay here and we need your help" Morgan was about to speak but a hand covered his mouth and bound his hands behind his back. It was the Siren from before. 

"Iris, please bring him back to his world unharmed and unseen. Elayna will come back for you after her work is done if she chooses to" the kind ordered. 

"Why can't he stay here?" Elayna asked in a worried tone. 

"It's the law honey. But I promise you can go back to be with him but we desperately need your help with something" the queen said calmly. Elayna  watched helplessly as Morgan was dragged off and when the room was empty the queen spoke. 

"As you may know, the witches escaped early this morning. We managed to put them back on that retched island but they never give up and they have chosen a new leader.. from the outside. We need to find her and destroy her before innocent people are killed. We need you to set out in search of the witch, we would do it ourselves but we need to stay here and keep people unaware and keep the palace safe because if their new leader comes here then the witches win and we will fall" the queen explained. 

"And I am the only one who can help?" Elayna asked

"Yes. You have been gone for so long that the witches won't suspect you to be after them and you are the only person we trust. John told us how smart and brave you are. We have heard many great things about you Elayna" the king said. "I understand why you don't fancy our son, that PIN head is nothing like you at all" 

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