Chapter 15

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"Now what?" Elayna asked as she and Samus got back on the back of the dragon. 

"We need to return to Amalthea and then go warn the king and queen "Samus replied" 

'Why do we need to return to Amalthea?' Elayna wondered. 

"We need more dragons for this fight" Samus replied as if he read her mind. 

The sky was naturally dark no but Elayna could see light up ahead. Amalthea and her dragon were still circling over head her castle. Instead of landing she flew towards Samus and Elayna when she noticed their arrival. 

"What's the news?" she asked. Samus shook his head. 

"Davoura escaped" 

"Davoura?! She's back!" Amalthea asked. Samus shook his head sadly. 

"What's the new plan?" she asked. Samus shook his head, crossed his eyes and looked over at the massive field of dragons. 

"If Davoura does attack the kingdom we will need an army." Samus suggested. 

"No can do. My dragons are not for battle" Amalthea responded. Samus was disappointed. 

"At least let me keep this big buy for a bit longer?" Samus asked hopefully. Amalthea hesitated but then nodded. Samus smiled and they flew off. 

"What now?" Elayna asked. 

"Now we go see Gia, leader of the griffin's. We will need all the help we can get to fight Davoura" 

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