Chapter 8

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It was dusk in the magical world that Elayna felt no connection to. Elayna decided to spend the night in the castle and then leave first thing in the morning to find Samus, the Satyr that would be helping her. A long time friend of the king and queen. 

After her long talk with the king and queen, Elayna went upstairs to the room that had been set aside for her. As the walked down the long East wing hallway, memories of when she and John were dating flushed back. She remembered walking down these long, elegant hallways. The thick rugs under feet and the pictures of random royals and landscapes on the wall. To her fortune, all the royals slept in the West wing, on the other side of the castle. 

At the end of the hall Elayna opened a door and beyond it was a very nice room. A bed in the back corner, a desk, a dresser, a very big and elegant mirror and a big circle rug. The room even had a small balcony. Elayna opened the glass doors and stepped onto it. She could see the forest of fawns and beyond that were the mountains where the dragons lived. There was the sea where the mermaid ans sirens lived. Being a demon she was never allowed outside the kingdom and no other creatures were allowed inside. She only saw dragons and griffins when they rarely flew above the squares. 

Elayna shut the doors and sat on the bed. She was still trying to wrap her head around what the queen and king had told her earlier. 

She was exhausted. She took off her boots and jeans and pulled back the covers and got into bed. She was nervous about tomorrow but she trusted her king and queen and she trusted that they wouldn't put her in the way of danger. At one point, even if it was long ago, she was like a daughter to them. 

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