Chapter 12

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Samus finished marking up the map and put his supplies in a bag. He headed towards the door and Elayna followed.

"The plan?" Elayna asked again. 

"The witches are locked away on an island. We aren't looking for them though. We are looking for the new leader. We are unsure if she is a witch or not but I truly doubt that the witches would trust anyone other than a witch" Samus explained.

"So we are just looking.. for someone? No idea who.." Elayna asked. Samus nodded. 

"We don't have a lot to work with but we have to find her, the king and queen are counting on us" Samus responded. 

"Should we go to the island first?" Elayna suggested. Samus got very excited.

"That is a good place to start!" he jumped up and down. 

"Great so now we have a solid plan. But how do we get to the island?" Elayna asked.

"Dragons!" Elayna smiled nervously. She'd never seen a dragon but close, let alone even ridden one. She was excited though. 

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