He didnt escape.

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Katniss pov.

That night after gale was taken away I had many nightmares, about him killing me, getting out of jail, killing my friends, him shooting prim. Tears flowed down my face all night and I couldn't do anything about it. I know how strong gale is.
Wait did he get out of jail or was he let out?
I tired to get back to sleep, but everytime I had a nightmare. I kept telling myself that he was key out, and that he wouldn't be let out again.

One I woke up, the first thing I wanted to do was to call the officer on the gale case. So I dialled his number, and soon he answered.

~one the phone~
"Hi, it's katniss, I need your help"
"Sure what is it?"
"You know the the other day, when Gale was here?"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Did he escape from jail"
"No, he was let out, because he had been in there a 6 months. He was in there for abusing you, so only six months, but now he won't be let out, he can't be trusted"
"Thank you so much"
"Glad I could help"

~end of phone call~

I'm so glad gale didn't escape, knowing he can't get to me now Is great.
I need to get ready for school. That phone call lasted longer than expected!! I only have 29 minutes. I hopped in the shower, and got out as quickly as possible. I quickly slipped on a white tank top and high wasted denim shorts. I put my hair in a braid like usual, and then I went down stairs to find prim not there. There was also a note.

To katniss,

I walked to school with Rory, and I made you pancaked, it's in the oven, just heat it up if it's cold, I left at 8:23, don't be late. Love you kat

From prim

I'm glad she's made friends, she's always been good at making friends so I wasn't worried. I'm fine wig her and Rory being friends, even high he's gales brother. Rory hates gale, because he's always mean to him, to his family, to everyone. Rory is a lovely boy, and prim always talks bout him, so it's obvious she has a thing for him, but won't admit it. Once I got the note it was 8:25 so the pancake was still warm. I ate that then ran out the door, and got in my lovely car Plutarch bought me, it was obviously an expensive car, he wouldn't buy me any other car. I drove to the cafe that I always meet my fiends in

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