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Peeta pov.

I'm so heart broken about katniss, but is completely understand, I wouldn't want to date me either. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me, how could I be so stupid.

Whatever happens, I will be Katniss's friend, I couldn't lose her as a friend too.

Katniss pov.

After the phone call with Peeta, I didn't know what to do, so I called finnick without every thinking.

Phone call ---------------------------

"Hey, kat what's up?"

"Finnick" I say sobbing

"Kat, calm down, what's happened?"

"Finnick, come over mine please, I need to explain"

"Be there in 5" he says before ending the call


I was crying so much, I just needed to see finnick, don't ask why. I need someone to comfort me, and finnick will do that. Do I like him? No, I can't, I just can't.

It was exactly four minutes when he got here.

"Early are you?" I joked

"What's up kat!" He said looking worried

"I broke up with Peeta" I said be I continued "he cheated on me I don't know how I can forgive him, I also told him about you"

"Peetas so stupid for cheating on the most perfect girl on the world, he should appreciate you, and what about me?"

"That I didn't know if I liked you as a friend or not"

Then he leaned in, I met him halfway, I didn't know what was happening, I just I just broke up with Peeta! what I am doing! Kissing finnick idiot. I should, I love Peeta! Are you sure?

Ugh, my thoughts are annoying me.

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