Chapter 14

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JJ's POV: 

Two hours has gone since I realised Bella is missing. Two hours. So much can happen in two hours, I really wish my mind didn't go straight to the worst case scenarios with abductions. Everyone knows that the first hour is crucial, but I'm not even too sure when she first came into danger. Garcia is still looking through the cctv but I'm pretty sure this hotel hasn't updated their cctv since 1970. I have faith though, she is the best and she'll find Bella. 

I pulled my knees up, resting my chin on them. There was a slight drizzle outside, but it was grey. I couldn't see any further than fifty metres from the window, the fog was thick, covering every building nearby. The sound of rain hitting against the window filled my mind, it seemed ten times louder than normal. The entire team were talking, probably about Bella and the likelihood of her being with someone she knew, but I couldn't concentrate on what they were saying. I only hear murmuring. I closed my eyes for a few minutes. They felt so heavy, every worry and concern I had for Bella and her wellbeing was trampling over my mind, my brain was going into overload. Emily must of sensed the strain that I was consumed by because she walked over towards me and sat down on the couch by my side. I didn't bother to acknowledge that she was by my side, she already knows that I'm aware. I'm sure she's reading my body language, they all will be. My eyes gradually opened again, only to be met with tears that had been accumulating within them. I wanted to cry so badly, to scream and hit everything in my sights but I couldn't find the energy. I felt drained and exhausted. 

I sightly lifted my head up from my knees so I could see everyone's expressions. Everyone looked awful, not as awful as I did but still awful. Garcia had tears streaming down her cheeks. She was rapidly typing and scanning her laptop screen, searching for anything. Morgan looked frustrated. His knuckles were bloody, he never deals well with his anger when it comes to tough cases like this. Spence was trying to keep himself busy, his mind was probably playing out hundreds of statistics. I looked down at my feet, the tears were now rolling down my cheeks and falling onto my lap. I tried to keep them in but it was no use. I tried to stay strong so I could help but my emotions were getting the better of me and soon enough I wouldn't be in a fit state to be involved. They'd stop me from helping. I have to get myself together, bottle up my feelings. 

Emily placed her hand on top of mine, squeezing it tightly for reassurance. I held her hand back, I'll take any sign of comfort I can get. I leaned in closer towards her, leaning my head on her shoulder. I know that she isn't one for hugging and showing this much emotion but I don't care. She's always kept herself strong, when she had to deal with Doyle she wasn't a mess like I currently am. She's always composed but I can't be that person. My kid is out there somewhere with some lunatic and I can't keep calm about it. 

Isabella's POV:

My eyes flew open as someone kicked the door and stormed into the room I was trapped in. A slight glimmer of light shone through a crack in the wall, the only source of light I had. A big, unkept man stood in the middle of the room. His eyes stared down at me, he looked like he wanted to kill me. I have never even met this guy. I pushed myself away from him, my back smacked against the wall, I had nowhere else to go. I wanted to scream, tell him my mum was going to come get me and kill him for taking me but nothing came out. My voice had ran away and in return left me with a small whimper. The man walked over towards me and knelt down in front of me. He looked old, maybe like late fifties. He had a scar across his cheek. It looked painful. He stretched his hands out towards me and stroked my cheek. His hand felt rough and dirty. I turned my face away and shrugged off his hand. He looked mad but then he just laughed.  My eyes started to water, my breathing quickened. I'm going to die in this room and no one is ever going to find me. Does anyone even know I'm gone? I feel like I've been away for days but I can't be entirely sure. My stomach made a loud noise, like a freaking volcano erupting. I can't remember when I last ate. Suddenly the man got up and left the room, slamming the door on his way out. I ran up to the door and banged my fists against it, yelling at him to come back but he didn't. I screamed and cried, this sudden burst of energy was taking over me but it didn't matter. He wasn't coming back. 

I fell back onto the floor, curling up into a ball. This room was freezing and I only had a t-shirt and skirt on. He didn't even spare me a blanket. I shut my eyes for what seemed like a minute, my life drained out of me. My fear and stiffness disappeared as I slept.

I awoke later to someone thumping around me. My eyes met the man again, he had a screen in front of me. It was recording something, I sat up to get a closer look. What I seen next took my breathe away. The screen was split into four separate sections, but every section was a part of my home. I looked up at him, anger and fear present in my expression; " What do you want with me?! I have nothing to give you! My family isn't rich so we can't pay any ransom! Please just let me go I promise I won't tell anyone what you done. I swear it!." The man just looked at me, he didn't even respond. Instead he knelt down in front of me, he stunk of alcohol and cigarettes; "Stupid Isabella...idiotic you think I need your money. It's not money I'm after and if it was I would of robbed a bank. That would of been a lot easier. Now I see you have noticed my home films of your own home. Don't be afraid though, this was for your own safety. Yours and your mothers, even if she denies it. You know you look just like your mother when she was your age. So sweet, I bet you're still innocent though. Not like Jennifer, she's never been innocent. She was flirting with boys when she was just a child. Could never keep her legs closed." The man licked his lips then looked me directly in my eyes. His blue eyes stared into my soul, filling me with fear and terror. I perked myself up, composing my voice so it didn't sound weak or frail; "How do you know my mum? Are you a friend of hers? How come I've never seen you around?" I thought that if I tried to act like he was a friend of my mum's then he wouldn't hurt me, or her. But he just looked angry, he always looked angry. His fist curled into a ball; "Your mum and I are lovers Isabella. I am surprised she hasn't told you about us. Disappointed actually. We go back such a long way. But that's ok because soon she'll be here with the two of us and we'll be a family again. It has been such a long time since I last saw you Isabella but you can call me dad. I've missed you so much but we can be a family again, very soon." 

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