Alive but Alone 1 : Chapter 1_Begin Of The Lie

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It was a quit day, when i was sitting in aeroplane beside my father. He's was not my real father, he adopt me.

We were on our way to another new city, Boston.

Me and my father had been moving and change our name for almost six years now.

I think we are running from the police cause my father killed a man to defense himself.

And also when i was 6 my mother died in car accident.

"Come on hayley lets go, we got it there" my father said with smile.

Ok i said

From there we go out of aeroplane into the streets of Boston, we got on taxic, it take us to our new house.

We exit the taxic and enter our new house, it was little scaring house, it's also have spiders and need to clean now, i always hated unclean places.

" So do you like the house ?" my dad asks.

"Yea it's ok" i said.

"Great there is your room, you have to clean your room because there are lot of spiders are there" my dads smirks.

Yea i said.

I opened the door of my room, suddenly i saw some flashbacks, i saw a little girl walk through the edge of hill was bout to jump from it.

I was thinking whats that, oh i don't have time for this, i have clean my room,

i spent all day cleaning my room and help my father to clean the house , after cleaning i ate pizza that my dad odred and then i went to my room, i was packing my school bag, put books and other stuff.

When i finished packing, i went to my bed and before i lay on it i saw a window open by it self, i go closer to see what was there,

walk into the drawer, the window was on the top of drawer, i get closer to the drawer to see from the window and from the drawer a hand appear and hold my leg tightly, i knocked on the floor and call my dad for help but he didn't come, i scream loud and then after dad open the door.

"whats going on hayley are you alright" my dad asks

"aa hhand wwwas there iii swear it was there it waaa" no there is nothing there hayley.

I can't believe my eyes, it wasn't there.

"are you ok hayley" dad ask.

Yea im but i saw a hand under the drawer" i said,

my dad search the drawer and everywhere in my room.

"there's is nothing there you have to sleep, you are safe, maby you are little scared, it's just imagination, now sleep it's ok" my dad said.

Ok dad i said.

Dad goes to his room and i sleep in my bed and fall in sleep, i was tired and feel pain in my leg, something real tough me but what is it then ?

Why am i thinking i have to sleep.

Alive but Alone *Hayley Williams*Where stories live. Discover now