Alive but Alone 1 : Chapter 5_ Secrets That We Can't Hide.

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A/N : wake you up in the middle of the night to say read the new chapter of my book.

I never gonna leave this web.

I was listening to never gonna leave this bed by maroon 5 and it got stuck in my headin soooo bad way, lol.


Patrick POV"="



We walk out of the teachers room after hayley ask me to shut up.

"What directly you are searching ?" hayley asks.

"At least you ask me to speak i was searching on these things i see in internet, i saw too many romurs in internet, and now some of them turn out true." i expand to her.

What are these romurs that turn out true ?" She asked

" like, this bloody world, those monsters, and there some lost people, and two book, the darkness spirit books and chenmons." i said.

"Who are chenmons ?"Hayley ask.

"They are people who have some kind of weird loge in their hand, look like a star in trangle" i draw the loge on her hand.

"Wow, are they look like us ?" She asked.

"Yea, they are humans but they live in that town bright longs." i said.

What is the story of bright longs ? " hay asks.

"There are roumers that says there no one lives there, i never saw it cause i don't know where it is, but in the darkness spirit books there will be map of where it is."

"Wow. What are darkness spirit books ?" hayley asks.

"I don't know much bout these books but i heard that they are the key to everything that's happening and we need to found it."i said.

"you mean you gonna found cause i want to go home now, i miss my dad and i don't know whats going on with him but how i will go to my home." she said.

"I will help you to get to your home if after you see your father you have to come with me to found the books."i said.

"But it's dangerous" hayley said. making puppy face.

"Then forget that you will ever get back to your father." i said also making puppy face.

"Ok then, but first you have to take me to my father, ok ?" hayley said, making her face back to normal.

"Ok i have a car outside of school, we can go there." i said as walk through the way.

There were too many ways, doors, i never come to that place before, mess.

When we walking i heard a groan of the monster.

"Omf, what is this." i said.

The monster appar in front of us, he had an bloody axe, oh no.

"That monster, i seen him before." hayley said.

"We have to kill him before he could kill us" i said.

"How ?" she asks.

"I have idea, stay here, attack him from here and i will attack him from behind." i said.

"Thats an old idea but it's ok" she said.

I goes behind the monster and strat shooting his head.

"Hayley shoot him om his head" i said.

"Ok" hay said.

We both were shooting his head and after 21 shots he died.

"Oha the monster is dead, did we really killed him ?, i can't believe it!" hayley said.

"But believe it now." i said.

"Hah. Lets get out of this place." she said.

"Wait look" i said looking at the monster, he turn into black ponder.

"Hey look" hayley said,running to it and picking up a paper from the ponder.

"It's a map where is darkness spirit books are!!!" hayley scream.

"Oh really, let me see, oh yeah it is, now we don't have to find anymore." i said.

I was happy seeing the map, suddenly a door appar from nowhere in front of us.

"Wow,what is that ? Is it the exit ?" she ask.

"Maby let's go " i said.

"Ok" she said.

XXXXX im these days writing 5 hours in a day, so you see the new chapter pretty soooooooooooooooooooooon hey don't forget to vote and comment, haaaheex.


Alive but Alone *Hayley Williams*Where stories live. Discover now