Alive but Alone 1 :Chapter 2_ Trouble In Maker's Hands.

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I wake up hearing the alarm,i goes to bathroom and brash my teeth and brash my orange hair, i wear black shirt with and white short and then i put some eyeliner in my green eyes, i was still in shock bout what happen yesterday, a hand and the drawer.

i check the drawer, i found an old little piece of paper and written on it " Alive Like Dead" i didn't understand what it mean or from it come from, it's all mess like real mess.

I sat on dining table and strat eating egg.

"hayley i have very special gift for you, it's your 16 brithday sweetie, here is your gift" dad said.

" oh my god" it was a beautiful braslet, it was red in colour and written on it "Love Is Love Forever".

"I saw you looking at it in many store so i decide to buy it to you for your brithday" dad said.

" Oh thanks dad, thanks" i said.

After i ate, i pick up my school bag and say goodbye to my father.

" bye sweetheart, be careful" dad said.

Philp POV#####


"goodbye dad" hayley said.

Bye sweetheart, be careful.

Then she left.

I wish she will be save, none of us is promised to see tomorrow.

I sit on chair.

Why am i doing this to her, i have tell the truth to her, what she will do if she know, she will hate me.

"Hi john, it's been a while" i heard a familiar voice from behind

I turn around to the mirror, i see kim, "i really miss you john, how are you and rose" kim said from the otherworld.

"im fine dear and rose....rose still don't know the truth" i said with sad face.

" what ? She still don't know, what she think you are doing running everywhere for years ?" kim asks me.

"i tell her i killed a man for self defense and she believes it," i said.

" You make her living a lie." she said.

"i think she can't hold the truth in her little heart, i can't tell her" i said.

" but when she turn 16 everything will begin" kim said.

" today was her 16 brithday" i said.

" then the troubles will begin" kim said.

"I know, i know everything. Did you found the other book of darkness spirit" i ask her.

" not yet but i still try my hard to get it. I have to go now bye" kim said.

I put my hand on the mirror where her hand were.

" unit next time"i said.

After she was gone from there, i go to my room.

Hayley POV#####


i get out of my house and walk to the school, it was very close to my house.

I was walking peacefuly unit a stranger hold my hand.

"you are rose jonas, right" the stranger asks.

"why you want to know im not gonna tell you!!" i scream.

"im patrick stump, im lawyer, im doing some research on some case, and i need you for some details" that guy said.

I bite his hand and free myself from him and ran away as much as i can.

Patrick POV#####


Come back here, i guess she's gone, im gonna found her again.

I want to know everything bout the darkness spirit books, and this mystery town lights brights maby she knows something bout it.

Next time.

Hayley POV#####


after running far from that guy patrick.

I got closer to the school, i was walking from the outside of playground, the children were having party outside, it's their celebration of the year.

I was on my way but stopped when i saw a playground turn in to hell!!!

I see one kid eating other kid's hand and they all were eating them each other.

I start to run from that place and turn back, from where i came from, i go back but it turn into playground and i was in middle of it.

One kid was eating ones head and stopped after seeing me, he groan in monsters voice and then every kid in the playground was coming to me, to eat me.

I try to ran but everywhere i go it turn into the same plaece, in the middle of playground.

I was not stop running but when a stone on the ground hit me on my feet, i got knocked on the floor, the evil children were running to me.

I try to run but my feet hurt so much that i couldn't move, one kid came from behind and eat my hand, they all eat me, i was screaming, blood was everywhere, i close my eyes and open them again to see children playing, it was just a dream.

It's my imagination again

XXXXXXX Right now the story is confused, but as soon as i write more chapter, it will be best, btw i love horror movie and i get ideas from lot of horror movie.





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Alive but Alone *Hayley Williams*Where stories live. Discover now