Alive but Alone11 I Hear What You're Saying But I Just Can't Make You Sound

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Hayley POV-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,


"I have to stay in bright longs my whole LIFE!!!!!!" I scream like it was the last day of my life.

"This is life, Hayley. " Patrick smirks.

"That is one way, there is other way too, but it's in the other book of darkness spirit, which is in the otherworld." brendon said as he was smiling like an devil.

He always try to find way to scared me.

But it didn't work, well maby.

"So how we gonna get there??" patrick asks brendon.

"I know the way, I will lead you to the way.

"Wow " i said.

"So, we have to move there, right, NOW!" patrick said, he scream the last word.

"Ok, you go and I'll pack my bag."

Then we headed to the car.

I sit in backseat while patrick and brendon will sit in front sits.

Then after waiting like 7 minutes in hell, brendon came, grabing a small suitcase.

"Is this what you have to pack?" I asked him in shock cause he was holding a small suitcase.

"Yea, Can we go???" brendon ask, putting his hand on top of the car.

"Yea, SURE!" patrick said, entering the car and closed the damn door with power.

Then I enter the car, then brendon.

Like I said I'll sit behind, and brendon will sit in front to tell patrick about the way to bright longs.

I pull out my phone from my pocket, and put my head phone on and lost in my fav album of all time Dirty Work by All Time Low.

P.A.T.R.I.C.K POV!!!!!!!!!!!!


Why we always have to moving on.

Life gets very hard.

"Hey show me in gps where is bright longs." I said to Brendon while turning the gps on.

He pointed at a place in the middle of mountains.

I zoom, and see there was lot of fog there.

The way was long, looked like it'll takes days to go there.

"It'll total take 4 days in car." Brendon said and I a take a deep breath.

____ After 2 Hours Of Driving___

The time was 10: 21

Eh, I'm just bored.

It's been 2 fine hours of driving, Hayley is sleeping in back seat, as well as Brendon.

My phone started to ring.

I see the ID to see it was Elisa.

I can't wait to Pick it up!

Me: Hi!!!!

Elisa: Is it Patrick Stump on the phone?

Me: Yea, who are you???

Elisa: I'm a doctor, my name is Jason Luis, are a family of Elisa Yao?

Me: Yea, where is Elisa?

Jason: It's hard to say but, she's.............. Pass away in a car accident.


I.... I..... Just can't.....

Jason: Are still there Patrick Stump??? Patrick Stump???

I couldn't answer him, I even lose my control in my body, I just could move any further.

I realize now how it to have electronic shock and panic attack at the same time.

Then I lose the control in the car, and it flip off down, to the forest side. I felt hell, I didn't care about what happening but I was thinking about Elisa, tears begin to slip from my eyes while the car was knocking.

I heard too many screams.

It's like listening to shattered heart story. I can hear them screaming but I just can't make it sound.

I put my hand on my forehead to see blood in my hands.

Elisa have been the in similar accident.

Then suddenly something hit me my head and it was bleeding like a river. The car knock on the billion times before it stopped when it hit the tree, everything started to begin blur and then I blinked.


A/N: Heeey sorry for short chapter, it's horrible right.

Poor Patrick!

I keep writing the story and you see that my english is bad as hell, but soon I'll learn.

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\""""""""BE MY FAN""""""""/



Remember to keep on keeping on even when you feeling that you gonna keeping losing.


(Fifa!!!!!! French are the best in football. Hope that they win!!)

Alive but Alone *Hayley Williams*Where stories live. Discover now