Alive but Alone 1 Chapter : 12_If You Love Me, Let Me Be Here!

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Hayley POV##########



I open my eyes which was very hard, When I finally open it, I see dark black sky and stars shining surrounded by old tree's leaves.

I was lying on the ground, I see right left me there was a car that was completely destroyed. I slowly remember I was in car with Patrick and Brendon, to our way to bright longs, I sleep in middle of the way and then wake up to see the car was flipping upside down, then I don't remember anything. My forehead was hurting me, I pick up my phone which screen was damaged

The time was 12: 01. Dark was everywhere.

I look in the broken car which driver's door wasn't there to see Patrick, He was opening his eyes little. He was bleeding badly, I run to him.

"Hey Patrick!! Are you there?" I Scream, shaking his shoulder to wake up, but seems like it didn't work well with him.

He was bleeding very bad from his head, Also his hand has big cut that you even can see his under meat, his neck was bleeding, his face was bloody, like it was destroyed all, his one eye couldn't open because of the cuts. He was in very bad health.

"Patrick, please wake up, please talk to me." I said shaking him again.

This time he replies.

"I....... I I I wan...nt you go safe yo yo yourself, Hayyyley." He stuttered, it was very hard for him to talk.

Why he want me to go?

"Why? I'm not going anywhere without Patrick, don't even think about that." I said angrily.

"Go to to ... Get out of this forest beeefore.............. the morning......., I'll be Finn fine here." he stuttered, I can't.

"No Patrick, you help me lot in lot of things, please."I said, while trying to pull him out of the car.

As soon as I pull him all out.

After I finished pulling, I sit him on his back by the tree.

"Hayley, try to understand me...." Patrick stuttered. "If you love me.. let me be here, and, and fiind a way out of this for...forest. I have no life....without El..Elisa..."

A tear drop from my eyes hearing his word, this can't be happening, first my dad, now Patrick, why my life is like that, I... Just can't take it anymore. "If I leave you here, who'll get you out of this place" I said while river of tears fall from my eyes.

"Someone in this darkness." He said before he take a deep breath and glance at the dark fairness sky.

"Patrick, who is Elisa" I asks softly while patting his head which was full of blood.

"Elisa.... Sh.she means lot to me, or I can say she was.... She have died in a car accident..."he whisper softly while countless tears were droping from his shining green/grey/brown/yellow eyes. I couldn't help but to cry even harder. How can life sometime gets suck.

"Go... Run for your life, Hayleyyy.." he whisper, it bravely could be heard. I wipe the tears from my face and look at his face.

"Can't believe I'm doing it but I...'ll leave here, cause I love you as great friend, I.. Sorry." I said while raining from my eyes tears.

"Love when I'm gone" He said, smiling a bit.

I stand with all my power and strat searching for my bag which have first aid kat, with it I can help Patrick a bit. I hop in the flipped car, inside it a found it, it was surprise to see it still don't have any damage. Then I headed out of the car, that was when I remember something, where the hell is BRENDON!!!!!??????


A/N: So I felt that was sooooooooooooooooooo sad to do this to patrick, he's very good and adorable, ohh I can't Imagin that happening to him my me, poor RICK!!!!


Och, that's my all time fav song!!! Oh god, it's perfect song, even the title of the book came from this song, here where it came "Roaming through this darkness, I'm alive but I'm alone"





(New house, WOW!)

Alive but Alone *Hayley Williams*Where stories live. Discover now