Alive but Alone 1 : Chapter 3_Blood On The Dance Floor.

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Hayley POV#####


Thanks god it was a dream, that really scar me. Hope this never happen again

I go inside my new school, it was like any other school i went to, i go to my first period and realizes it was late, everyone was sitting on their chairs, " You are late" the teacher says.

"Sorry" i apologize.

"Students here is new student in our school, she come here in boston 2 days ago, say hello to our new student hayley william." teacher said.

Everyone looked bored in the class, like they didn't even care. Half class was sleeping and others were bored. The teacher didn't even say a word bout it, weird.

" william go and sit there, right behind that kid." the teacher pointed at student, he was a boy, looked like i seen him before, he looked very bored ,oha i don't care, i have to study hard.

After the all periods ends, i was picking up my school stuffs in last period, i was all alone, everyone's get out so fast.

I was putting a last thing but stop when i my eyes caught writing on window with someone's breath.

Written on the window "Bright Longs" what the hell this should mean.

Whatever, oh my, no sounds mean no one around, has every one gone to houses ?

I ran so fast until i got into the hallway.

I was on my way out.

suddenly everything strat to change, the walls, floor, lockers start to change into bloodys.

Lockers became like human skin, the walls was broken and full human or any kind of thing blood, floor was full of blood too, like water, it was until my knees

Everything has blood on it.

I was coughing from blood smell, it was strong.

I hear a groan from behind, i turn around to see's a tall monster with an axe in his hand, the axe was very bloody, the smell of blood was everywhere.

I run fast but the monster started running, i couldn't run that fast cause on the blood, it's hard to run.

I try my best to not knocked on floor of blood, ha what we call this blood on dance floor, they are my favorite band haheeha, it's not time for joking, i have to run.

I found a storerage room, and jump inside it, i hide in closet.

I heard monster voice, he came in, my heart was beating so loud that maby the monster can hear it.

He was checked inside like 2 or 3 things not all things, the monster looked stupid.

The monster goes out from there, then after 10 minutes i get out from the closet to see he was gone, i take cold breathe.

I see something on the floor, i found a flashlight in ground, it was working not well but it will work for now, i sneak from the door to see if there is anyone outside.

What happening here, how i came into this bloody world what is that world oh god what happening here, i strat to cry bit.

After a while i stopped and started to figure where is exit.

I was new here, i didn't know the school well, so i just walk and walk for like half hour, i didn't found anything.

I stopped when i saw a teachers room, maby i can find somebody there.

I enter the room to see all teachers dead, blood was every, i strat to cry so hard.

What is this is nightmare, i wanna get from here.

after 6 minutes i stopped.

I strat to search for any useful thing.

I search the first drawer and didn't found anything useful.

The second same.

The third drawer same nothing useful.

I search fourth drawer and i found an iphone in it, oh my god my dream, my father and i didn't have a phone cause we didn't got enough money for that.

I call the police, but it didn't go, connection was slow, i dialled it again the number but it didn't work, i throw the phone on the gruond, when throw it i heard a groan, no, no, no not again, why i throw the phone, damn it!

This time i hide before the monster before it appear.

I hide under a table, there a saw a gun, yes a gun, looks like i have little luck today, what am i talk bout my life became worse.

The voice of monster's foot was coming, it wasn't the same monster, i saw him from down the table, his foots looks in normal size.

He throw the first table, my heart strat beating fast again.

Then the second table, then third table, the fourth table was one that im in, before he could throw the table, jump from inside it, and shoot him with gun, shoot him over and over again but it didn't stop him, he run so fast and pick me up to throw me before i heard someone shoot the monster and that guy shoot the monster in his head, the monster is died, "Thanks so much" i thanks the person who saved my life from the monster.

I try to see that person from close to see a familiar face, no, no it can't be you, no, no it can't be you...

XXXXXXX i know it's take to long to upload the chapter, sorry.

Im so lazy these days ~,~

Who is that guy that saved hayley???

Guess Who???????????




_______Fan Me If U Didn't_______

#Mistake Tell Me#

..sorry again.. If im tooo lazy

Alive but Alone *Hayley Williams*Where stories live. Discover now