Three Days

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The top five of the tournament was Takeshi, taking first place.  Takao, in second place.  Kazumi, in third place.  And since Fora and Sasha tied on the last battle, they both would be able to take 12 people each into the Phantom Mirage.  With one spot empty  to make the tournament fair.  

The black qi shield was investigated by the Phantom Mirage Tournament Committee, however with no knowledge of who it could be and no leads to who it could be, the investigation went no where.  And seeing that the black qi shield protected both Bido Kingdom's fighters and Kazumi from Yukah Kingdom, the person who used the black qi shield was being fair towards the tournament.  

The people who were going to go to the Phantom Mirage would have three days to prepare themselves to ensure a successful venture into the different dimension.  In the three days, Lihua had commanded her lions, monkeys, tiger, bear and butterfly out into the Shiro Estate to cultivate qi for her thus being more efficient than a regular martial artist.  

On the second day she received an invitation to meet up with Thorin and her grandchildren at the Winter Rain Tea House in the afternoon.  Upon receiving the news, Lihua immediately went to get ready after breakfast.  Takeshi had already left to the royal palace to talk to King Nao.  

After taking her time to get ready, Xin, Ethan and Lihua left to Winter Rain Tea House in advance to wait for her guests, even though they were the ones who invited her. 

"What has Mistress Lihua so excited to go to Winter Rain Tea House with so much excitement?"  Xin whispered to Ethan.  

Ethan shrugged and shook his head side to side.  They both went back to watching their surroundings to ensure they weren't being followed or have a surprise ambush.  

Upon reaching the Winter Rain Tea House, Lihua was greeted by Winger and shown to the second best room, being that the best room had been occupied by Prince Aiguo and his people.  Upon seeing Lady Lihua by herself, Prince Aiguo had been notified immediately of her presence by his people.  

Prince Aiguo looked out the sliding door to see the infamous, enchanting and ethereal Hell King's Lady Wife, Lady Lihua who always wore white and always wore a veil.  His curiosity was suddenly lit, wondering how she looked underneath the veil that Hell King would have her wear a veil all the time.  Which in turn caused the noble daughters to start wearing veils to ensure their beauty would be hidden.   Her reputation proceeded herself, causing all the rage and envy of others.    

"Go invite Lady Lihua to join us."  Prince Aiguo ordered his servant.   

His servant left to do his bidding as he sat back waiting for Lady Lihua to come greet him.  Prince Aiguo had always prided himself on his looks and his status to attract the attention of the opposite sex.  They could never help themselves to say no to him.  

So when his servant that he sent to go invite Lady Lihua to his tea room did not come back, he sent another one, then another one, then another one.  When all four servants didn't come back, he sent one of his martial fighters, Kiyomi.  Never in his life has something like this happened to him before. 

As Kiyomi stood up, her silver braided hair swung back and forth, hypnotizing those that watched her walk away.  Her bangs were cut right above her eyes and framed her small heart shaped face.  Her natural pink lips, glistened with her saliva as she licked her lips.  Her light brown eyes shined with merriment as she walked over to the tearoom next door to invite Lady Lihua to join her Prince for tea.  Upon politely knocking on the door, she waited to be invited in.  

"Come in."  A voice called from inside the tearoom.

The first thing she saw when she slid open the door was the four servants kneeling with their heads hung low.  Kiyomi's eyes scanned the room and saw two guards standing behind Lady Lihua who sat elegantly drinking tea.  Beside her, the hostess stood to the side to serve her, while in the corner, a girl of 13 years plucked the strings to the guqin with skills matching any famous musician.  

"You are?"  The guard who's beauty matched any woman asked.  

Kiyomi's heart skipped.  She had always thought her Prince was the most beautiful man she has ever seen, however upon seeing the guard who stood next to Lady Lihua, she knew she had fallen in love at first sight.  

Remembering her manners, Kiyomi bows in greeting.  

"Greetings to Lady Lihua, this servant of Prince Aiguo of Yukah Kingdom, name is Kiyomi Musada.  This servant is charged with inviting Lady Lihua to drink tea with Prince Aiguo in the next tearoom."  Kiyomi said as she kept bowing.  

After she spoke, Lady Lihua did not speak nor did her guards speak for her.  The soft string music of the guqin kept plucking its magical tune. Kiyomi dared not lift her head, for Lady Lihua had not dismissed her yet.  She kept her head bowed in awkwardness and embarrassment.  As the time went on, her embarrassment turned into anger.  

How could Lady Lihua make her keep bowing her head and not dismiss the action?  Does Lady Lihua know who she is?  She is Kiyomi, one of the five beauties that belong to Prince Aiguo!  Her strength, beauty and standing deserved every respect!  How could a mere Lady demand her to keep her head down the whole time?  

Upon losing her patience, Kiyomi whips up her head and stares at Lady Lihua with rage.  

"You dare break etiquette and stare at my Lady with those eyes!"  Xin said sternly.  "Who are you to think you can talk to my Lady without proper introductions? I don't know how you do things in Yukah Kingdom, but you must be someone who doesn't know any manners and etiquette.  How can my Lady just go and drink tea with your Prince when they have no introductions with each other? How can your Prince think that he can just ask Lady Lihua to join him for tea like a common girl in a whore house?  As if he has any authority to command my Lady to come and go as he pleases?"  

"Not only did you and your people disturb this Lady's afternoon tea, but you broke etiquette and have slighted me."  Lihua said finally.  "What shall be your punishment?" 

Kiyomi, opened her eyes wide in surprise.  Never have she met anyone who demanded she be punished for etiquette.    

"Keep staring at this Lady that way, and this Lady will collect your eyes as payment.  Hell King has already started my collection of eyes, should I keep the collection growing?"  Lihua said.  

Kiyomi's eyes immediately stared at the floor.  

"Go kneel next to the other dogs that came barking at my door."  Lihua said.  "You unmannerly dogs have bothered this Lady enough already."  

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