Bido Kingdom

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Lihua's eyes teared up with happiness as the beautiful landscape in front of her unfolded from the sea.  Lihua had convinced Takeshi to travel the long way through the country side and on a ship instead of flying over everything. 

It had taken Takeshi, Lihua and 20 Devil's Soldiers in civilian clothing three months to travel from Cara Country to Bido Kingdom.  They sent word to Thorin and her family of their visit a month ago when they were at port.  Their travel also caused a stir within the Cara nobility which caused a stir of jealousy.  

Hell King and Lady Lihua were able to travel when ever and where ever they wanted to.  King Nao was reluctant to let them go, but he knew there was nothing he could do or say to make them stay.  They had to convince him that it would only be for a year at the most, that Takeshi leaving the royal city would let King Nao clean up his court and reestablish his authority over them.  There was no big fanfare when they left, but Takeshi did tell King Nao he'll keep in touch to let King Nao know that they are safe.  In the past three months, Takeshi sent King Nao letters and presents to him.  Little did Takeshi know, King Nao looked forward to each letter and each small trinket with the messages.  He too longed to travel with them to see the world, freely and unburdened with responsibility.  But his freedom was the price of being King.  A price he paid for gladly.  

Lihua excitedly told Takeshi stories from her past.  Her favorite places to visit.  Her memories kept running through her mind as she shared them with Takeshi as he listened patiently and smiled at her.  He too has found a sense of peace that he longed for as well as a place to call home, as long as it was by Lihua's side.  He kissed her forehead and let her excitement infect his mood.  


Lihua's family lined up at the port waiting for Lihua's ship to dock.  They have been waiting for an hour now as the whole family looked at the sea for the ship that carried the soul of their mother back to them.  Most of them were skeptical of Lady Lihua and her claim, but they knew Thorin was not one to be easily convinced or confused so they decided to give Lady Lihua a chance at proving herself to them.  

They watched as the ship docked and the plank was set down.  Slowly passengers walked down the ship while the Lei family held their breath.  

"There!"  Chiyo yelled as she pointed to Lihua.  "There they are."  

Lihua had wore a deep lavender dress.  Lihua did not wear a veil, there was no need to hide her identity anymore as her poison marking on her face was gone as her butterfly flew around her.  Takeshi wore a dominating black pants and robes that intimidated everyone.  Even with his qi aura alone he could scare those who stood in the vicinity to him, but the clothes he decided to wear made him even more intimidating.  

"Lady Lihua!"  Chiyo yelled as she ran up to Lihua as they walked towards the Lei family.  Lihua could hardly hold her tears back as Chiyo hugged Lihua in her arms tightly. 

"I miss you!"  Lihua said as Lihua pulled Chiyo back to have a look at her.  

"I miss you too, Gra---Lady Lihua!"  Chiyo said excitedly.  "Come, lets meet the rest of the family!"  

Lihua smiled as she tugged Takeshi's hand towards her family.  

"Are you ready for all the responsibility that the head of a family posses?"  Lihua asks Takeshi.  

"As if Hell King will run away from any challenges in Hell King's way!"  Takeshi said back.  "Besides, I have a mind to ask your Master if she can help us make an elixir to get you pregnant again."  

Lihua stopped dead in her tracks.  She was surprised by his statement as her heartbeat wildly. They did talk about having children a long time ago, she had forgotten that Takeshi would be thinking about having a family of his own. "What." 

Takeshi smiled and pulled her forward.  "This King wants a big family.  The bigger the better!  This King wants to have children with this King's heart.  This King's love.  This King's life. This King's beginning.  And this King's end. Say yes." 

Lihua's eyes teared up even more with his confession.  Granted the timing of his confession was awful, but having his children was also something she wanted.  

"Yes."  Lihua said as she pulled him into her arms.  

"Lets go before our children lose their patience."  Takeshi smiled down at her.  

"Em... Lets!"  Lihua agreed.  

What the future held for her, Lihua didn't know. But what she did know, whatever may come her way, she had Takeshi and her family by her side. She would live a life full with love and happiness, in exchange for her second chance at life. In return for Young Miss Lihua's death. How the transmigration happened, she wasn't sure. How she was able to transform into a goryō she wasn't sure either. She hoped her Master held answers that could help her. But in the meantime, while her family gathered together once again. Lihua wanted to cherish the moment with them before worrying about the 'whys' and 'hows'.  

 Lihua nodded her head in agreement as they walked towards her family. Towards her past, her present and her future.  

The End 


It's the end for now.  I know I left a lot of unanswered questions about Lihua in this book.  I'm debating if I should write a continuation on her story, but I feel her story has come to an end. What she set out to do was accomplished... I have something else in mind... like a start to a new book, with new characters within the world of Lihua's story and the explanation of Lihua's goryō form be included in the new story.   I'm going to start writing a new story and see where it goes.  

Thanks again for all the love and support.  Sorry for any grammar mistakes, I will be slowly editing the chapters when I have time.  Much love to you and thanks again for reading. -ptd

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