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geoff: thank you for taking me to see neck deep last night, i was really convinced i would never see them live again. i had a great time and i'm hoping you did too and you didn't just stand with a bunch of pop-punk kids with scary attitudes just for me. 

awsten: i would walk into a hot topic and say my chemical romance sucks for you, no matter how many pre-teen emos yell at me.

geoff: wow aws, that means a lot. but really, thank you so much for getting those tickets, i means a lot. i'm sure i'll be thanking you for the next twenty years.

awsten: does that mean you're not going to be talking much today? 

geoff: probably so, but i'm bringing tea so it might be better by the time we actually see each other :-)

awsten: sweetttttt, see you at school, in like thirty minutes. yeah?

geoff: yeppers, see you then :-))

geoff put down his phone and just smiled, staring up at the ceiling that still had the glow-in-the-dark stars covering it. he was a kid at heart, he couldn't help it. getting up was a pain, literally. the burning sensation in his calves and the chaffing on his thighs wasn't very fun to deal with, especially this early in the morning. 

"geoff! i know you went out last night, but you need to get up and be ready to go. ten minutes!" his uncle yelled from outside his door, making his head pound even harder than it was. it's not like he was hungover, just restless and in pain.

"i'm getting there," geoff muttered, looking at himself in the mirror. it was a monday, he didn't need to try too hard, the only person he needed to dress for was himself and maybe awsten. 

dressing in black sweatpants and the neck deep shirt he got last night at the show, geoff brushed through his hair a few times and covered himself with axe of some sort. he was ready to face the world. opening the door, his sister was standing in the hallway, smirking.

"soooo, you went out last night?" she asked, leaning against the edge of the door.

"yeah i did, and i had a great time," he stuck his tongue out at her.

devii gasped and flipped him off, "if only i was mean, i would've punched you."

geoff just rolled his eyes and went downstairs, preparing water for tea. his throat felt like sandpaper and every time he spoke louder than a soft voice, even talking to devii earlier hurt super bad.

"hey kid, you look like you're ready to rule the world," his uncle teased him as he came back downstairs, seeing geoff leaning against the counter and waiting for the microwave to go off. 

"i totally am," he said hoarsely, pulling the cup out once it started beeping at him.

he put the teabags into the cup and let it sit while he got his shoes and backpack together. glancing at the clock, he now only has ten minutes to get to the bus stop. rushing, he poured the tea into a on-the-go cup and slipped on his shoes.

"bye, love you guys!" geoff called out before leaving, tea in hand. by the time he was at the stop, he had realized he forgot his coat. whatever, he could suffer the cold for a bit. 

at school, awsten is there waiting with his friend for geoff. when geoff leaves the bus, it's obvious that he's been waiting and making all of his friends stick around, too. he walked up to the small group of people and smiled softly, sipping on his tea before speaking.

"hey," he said softly, it was barely loud enough for any of them to hear. 

"hey g, you look cold? want my coat?" awsten offered kindly, seeing the goosebumps on his arms.

"oh no, really, it's f-"

"i'm not taking no for an answer, plus i have my thrasher one in my locker. don't worry."

geoff handed his tea to awsten and he slipped on the, thankfully, warm hoodie on over his head. awsten's friends basically cooed at them, besides these two boys, who he thinks are named max and ollie.

"babe, i'm cold, too."

"well damn, max, i can't control the weather."

geoff bit his tongue to resist from laughing at the two who were basically strangers. it was funny how awsten's friends all seemed like the type of kids to do xanax while listening to blackbear and drake, but they all seemed like really cool people.

"let's go to the first period, yeah?" awsten suggested as they started walking inside of the building.

"but you have choir, i have band."

"it's okay, i won't be late." 

geoff nodded, smiling a bit as awsten intertwined their hands as they walked down the hall together. they got smiles from everyone. no one would really expect awsten and geoff to be dating. they were polar opposites. while awsten was very open and friends with everyone, geoff liked to keep to himself.

stopping in front of the double doors that lead to the band room, they stopped and looked at each other. awsten has this half smirk, half smile on his face while geoff was smiling as bright as ever. band was going to be hell, especially with this headache. 

"i'll see you after class, yeah?" awsten asked.

"mhm, probably, unless i leave you here," geoff teased.

"you wouldn't."

"i would."

"double dog dare."

awsten just rolled his eyes and kissed geoff's cheek, "whatever, see you later."

before awsten starts walking in the other direction he turns and says, "by the way, you're really rocking the sweatpants and oversized boyfriend hoodie."

geoff was just shot in the hear with a love arrow by a boy named awsten knight. 

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