Chapter 1

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Clacking keyboards echoed throughout the station, each purpose varying from entering names into police records to just typing nonsense the author hoped their boss wouldn't see so they wouldn't lose their job. Only the desk of Mark Fischbach remained silent as he was leaned back in his chair and let out a long sigh.

Today was a slow day. He had just gotten back from patrolling one of the country roads and in that time, he had managed to pull over about five people and give them tickets; two of which gave him some attitude which only added to the fine. I'll be in court quite a bit in the next month...

Mark leaned back further in his chair, his gaze migrating to the ceiling tiles, lights, and fans above him. He watched one of the fans, trying his best to count its rotations.


Mark jumped out of his thoughts and turned towards the voice of his boss, Tyler Scheid, who was making his way towards the man with hair falling over his chocolate brown eyes.

"Yes sir?" he asked, sitting up straight and instinctively preparing for the taller man to scold him for losing focus.(Oh how the tables have turned... >:D )

"You can go head home if you'd like. You really seem like you need it, seeing as you were sitting staring at the ceiling for a good thirty minutes." Tyler stated.

Mark blinked, glancing down at his watch and seeing that it was nearly nine at night. Upon closer investigation of the room, most people were gone and the people that were still there were getting ready to leave except for the few lawyers who needed to work there for the day. Even Tyler had a bag of papers over his shoulder and was wearing comfort clothes - consisting of a pair of jeans, a white t-shirt, and some converse shoes - as opposed to his normal police uniform.

Jesus christ, I was staring at the ceiling for thirty minutes? The phrase "time flies" is an understatement!

"Yeah, I'll head home in a second. I'll see you Monday!" Mark replied, giving a smile and taking the hand Tyler had extended towards him.

Just as Mark was about to get up, Tyler turned around. "Oh! And don't forget about Molly's baby shower!" he called. Mark gave a thumbs up and watched Tyler leave the building.

Mark always watched the people around him obtain and build relationships, get married, and have kids, and it honestly didn't bother him too much. He had a girlfriend of his own, but it's only been about a month. They haven't even gotten to the serious part yet. Mark's coworker's wife is having a baby, and he was incredibly happy for them. Wade was a great guy and Mark was happy that he could call the guy a best friend. Eventually the guy would go on paternity leave and take care of his wife for a while after she's had the baby, and Mark would miss seeing Wade every day at work, but he knew that Wade needed to spend time with his wife and son/daughter.

Mark turned off his computer, grabbed his stuff, and headed out the door, turning off the lights as everybody had left except him by that point.

Time for the boring walk home. Mark didn't live far from the station, and he had two squad cars, one at the station and one at his house. For emergency reasons.


Seán pulled up behind the bank in a big black van with blacked-out windows, the seats in the back completely removed to make way for seats on the sides where his crew was sitting. With him, were Ryan, Felix, Ryan #2 - whom they all just called Ohm, - Jonathan, Marzia, and his own girlfriend Signe. "Everybody got the plan in their brains?" he asked with his thick Irish accent and brown, slightly graying hairs protruding from his head.

The group all nodded except for Signe, who gave a big thumbs up that migrated to a middle finger after a few seconds. Seán gasped and placed his hand on his chest, mock offended.

"Great. Marzia and Signe, you two go in right now. Make sure the wires are working." The two foreign girls checked their ear devices then hopped out of the van through the back, walking around the corner towards the front door of the bank. "Ryan and Ohm, get working on setting up the camera loops. Felix and Jon, come with me." The three men walked out of the van and headed in the opposite direction Marzia and Signe went as the Ryans worked on the cameras.

As a cautionary measure, the three men had brought masks. Felix put on his dark brown pug mask, Jonathan his serial killer mask, and Seán his green mask that somehow caused his bright blue eyes to shine brighter than normal.

"Okay, the cameras are looped." Ryan said into the earbud with his incredibly deep voice.

"You three should be fine. Marzia and I are going to act like we're going to withdrawal money separately. Let us know when you're out." Signe whispered into her earpiece, her Danish accent evident.

Seán, Felix, and Jon approached a side door, Felix looking inside before giving the all clear. They all made their way towards the safe, the directions being memorized. Once there, Seán pulled out a small bomb and placed it on the locking mechanism, waiting for the small and somehow quiet bang. They went inside and gathered as much money as they could in their respective bags, zipping them closed and slinging them over their shoulders.

Seán peeked out of the safe, stepping out carefully. "Hey, we got the money. Start making your way out of the bank ladies. We'll be there shortly."

There was a small hum on the other end, showing the girls had heard him.

The three men retraced their steps and made sure no guards spotted them, luckily seeing no guards in their path to the side door.

Then the alarm sounded.

And they were suddenly sprinting for the door.

Jon threw his body into the door and almost broke the hinges, locking it in an open position. Seán, Felix, and Jon quickly made their way for the van. It was already running and turned to make the escape easier. Signe and Marzia were sitting in the back with the doors wide open, both girls beckoning to the three men.

They chucked the bags in the back and just as Seán hopped into the car, police were chasing them from the open door.

"Jacksepticeye!" a few of the men shouted, and Seán beamed at his criminal nickname.

Seán pulled out his revolver and after spinning it around his index finger a few times, he steadied it and placed a bullet dead center in the forehead of one of the guards. He laughed with a high-pitched tone before slamming the door shut.

He sat down next to Signe, placing his arm over her shoulder and turning her chin towards him so they could kiss. They held it for a few moments, Felix and Marzia joining in while the rest of the guys cheered and gave high-fives.

"Great job guys. 30 million dollars in the bank."

Chuckles filled the van. Another successful robbery. 

Oh, isn't this great?

Mark working for Tyler instead of the other way around.

Seán robbing a bank with his girlfriend and his buddies.

Friendship all around. :D

Prepare for future character building.

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