Chapter 5

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Seán and Mark (Yes. Both. Deal with it.)

Seán was sitting on the ground next to the door with one leg outstretched and the other bent close to his chest. He gripped a knife between the fingers of his right hand which was rested on his bent right knee and his left arm just hung limp at his side. His eyes were wide and wild, a crazed smile obvious even though under his mask. Mark was still in the chair, except his head was slumped over and he was breathing heavily, but shallowly. Cuts covered his arms and his now shirtless torso. His shirt had been tossed aside early on, and was laying on the ground underneath the chair.

Mark looked up and stared into Seán bright blue eyes. Seán chuckled, letting the knife drop to the ground with a small clatter, blood still dripping from the blade. The Irishman raised his palm to cover his eye to stop the annoying twitch forming in his eyelid.

"Oh, that was invigorating!" he raved, standing up on shaky legs and revealing the surprisingly obvious bloodstains on his black shirt.

Seán stepped towards Mark, leaning down and lightly grabbing his chin to make Mark look him in the eye. "Did you have fun?~"

Mark felt his eyes droop then flutter shut. He was so tired. How much blood had he lost?

Seán pouted. "Aw, now that's no fun. If you're gonna close your eyes, why have them at all?" This shocked Mark awake and he tried to turn around to see where Seán had moved. There were small clanking sounds behind him, and Mark gulped. "N-No..." he whimpered, hating himself for not sounding as demanding as he meant. Seán stepped in front of Mark again, holding a plain old spoon.

"Well look who's awake again." Seán placed the spoon down on Mark's head. Seán spun around and almost lost his balance. "Holy shit, this has been the best birthday ever." he giggled, pulling the door open and closing it behind him.


He fell forward after he closed the door, almost hitting the ground but catching himself on the wall. His left arm remained limp while he used his right arm to prop himself up on the wall, pressing his head into his bent forearm.

Seán's vision shivered and his body swayed, his smile fading away into a scowl. His mind was no longer in the stone hallway.

He was running through his house in a desperate attempt to avoid his parents greetings after he arrived home. He had graduated about a year ago and, being the pathetic nineteen year-old he was, was struggling to find a job or actually find the courage to move off to college.

Seán's parents beat him on a daily basis, told him he was useless. Both of them were alcoholics and were drunk basically 24/7.

They had even killed his siblings in their drunken state. Right in front of their last-born child.

Seán quickly locked his door and stepped back. He could hear the random stomping of two full grown, drunken people climbing the stairs and stumbling down the hall. Seán gulped.

'Grab it. You know you have to. Grab it. You'll survive this way.'

Seán grabbed the sides of his head and felt warm tears pass by his cheeks. I don't want to. I... I... Lo... Love...

Seán paused, the grip on his head loosening before disappearing completely. He let his arms hang at his sides. I don't love them...

Seán blinked, his fingers and eyes twitching. 'Go get it.' Seán's head tilted to the side, his line of sight migrating towards his dresser.

He mindlessly walked over and opened the top drawer, digging through miscellaneous pieces of clothing until he reached the kitchen knife he had hidden there months ago. Seán picked it up and slid his thumb along the sharpened edge.

Seán's parents began to bang at his door. "Seán William McLoughlin!" screamed his mother. "Get the fuck over here and greet your parents!" his father yelled. Their words were slurred together to the point where their words were unintelligible. But Seán had grown accustomed to their new speaking habits, as if it were a whole new language.

Seán walked over to the door slowly, unlocked it, and let the squeaking fill the house. His parents both stood there, furiosity filling their eyes. I hate them... Seán stepped forward and plunged the knife into his mother's gut. I hate them... Seán tackled his fleeing father to the ground and stuck the knife into the back of his neck, hearing the satisfying crack of his spine.

I hate you...

Seán kept stabbing his father down his back, his arms, and finally he drove the knife through his skull.

I hate you...

He turned around and faced his mother who was laying on the ground, clutching her bleeding stomach and staring on in horror at her son she suddenly regretting beating daily. Seán moved towards her, and she cowered back.

I hate you.

"I hate you." he murmured, grabbing her forehead and sticking the knife under her jaw and pushing it up through her mouth. Seán let his hand follow the trail of holes until the knife was in her brain and she went limp before he pulled it out again. Throughout this, he had been quietly chanting the same phrase over and over. "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you."


Seán snapped his head up towards the voice and met Signe's eyes staring back at him through her mask. He turned to look back at the door to the room he had left, and it was wide open, showing a completely empty room, the only evidence of what happened being the bloodstains on the chair and the floor.

Signe lifted up her mask and tossed it to the side, doing the same with his. She held his head at the temples and stared silently, fearfully into the red and bloodshot blue eyes that occupied Seán's eye sockets.

Seán's lips were slightly parted and his nose was almost as red as his eyes at this point. His body shook and each moment that passed seemed to make it harder and harder to keep his balance.

His eyes shifted and he stared blankly at the ground, blinking rarely. Everything was a blur. Seán felt himself practically dragged down the hall and to the ladder he had gone down... how long ago? He was lifted off the ground as Jon and Marzia pulled ropes from above that he was attached to, Signe climbing up not far behind him.

He felt himself being dragged off to the car Signe had left, but it was in a different spot. Exactly how long was he down there?

Seán remembered the clock he had seen just before he left the apartment to follow Signe into the middle of the woods.

'February 7th, 6:34 PM.'

He was plopped into the back seat of the car and he could feel Signe's worried stare just before she started the car to bring him to the apartment. Seán lifted his hand to look at his watch.

'February 9th, 7:42 AM.'

I don't know if I should feel happy, or guilty. But eh. Early morning update.

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