Chapter 12

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 "No you bitch!" Seán screamed, jumping in his chair and slamming his desk. A smile was spread across his face and some dark gray headphones placed over his ears. He stared at the screen as it zoomed out of his death location and panned over to the character model of the man that had killed him in-game. "Killed by: BUMBUM"

"Gotta do better than that Jack!" Mark teased from the other end of the Discord call. Bob and Wade were laughing hysterically in the background as Mark and Seán bickered. Well, it was less bickering and more Mark bragging and Seán pouting.

The irishman crossed his arms over his chest and stared at his webcam while also making a pouty face to his audience that would watch the video later. He shook his head and went back to the game, moving to spectate what Bob was doing. He was t-pose-ing under the stairs, and it was a miracle that he hadn't gotten caught yet, which made Seán burst out into laughter.

It'd been two years since the whole incident with Seán kidnapping Amy and Seán being interrogated then screaming at former policeman Mark Fischbach. Seán had been sent to a mental hospital where he got all his mental issues figured out. Schizophrenia, PTSD, bipolar tendencies, the whole shebang. Once they had released him, he was a new man. Happier, no longer haunted by the ghosts of his siblings or by the memory of his parents.

He got back in contact with everyone that he used to be with in that whole criminal group. They had all split up and went their different ways, and Seán only knew what happened to Ryan, Felix, Ohm, Marzia, Jon, and Signe. All of them, except Signe, went on to become YouTubers. Making dumb videos that they posted to the website and get paid for it.

Ryan, Ohm, and Jon decided to go anonymous, Ryan becoming Cryaotic, Ohm being Ohmwrecker, and Jon becoming H2ODelirious. Felix and Marzia were still together. Felix was the largest YouTuber on the website and Seán remembered being told that he was planning on proposing soon.

Signe was with Seán every step of the way. She visited him in the mental hospital and they moved in together, taking a house in Brighton, England. Along with Felix, Seán was also thinking about proposing, but he could never find the right time or the courage to get up and do it. So he decided to just keep waiting until he knew the time was right.

"Hello!~ Earth to Jack! Anybody there?"

Seán jumped. "Huh? What?"

"You space out or something?" Bob asked.

"Did I?"

Mark chuckled. "I believe you did, man."

Seán laughed nervously. "Well I guess that's my cue to check out. Talk to you guys tomorrow?"

Wade clicked his tongue on the other end of the call. "You got it dude! I should go too. Molly probably needs help taking care of Trish."

"Ugh, parenting." Bob groaned.

The two married men laughed and Mark and Seán laughed along with them.

Mark had gotten married to Amy and was going to have a baby soon, and Seán was beyond happy for them. They were moving on from all that happened two years ago. Mark and Seán were still rivals, but playfully this time. Happily going back and forth in video games and fun competitions, and they sure loved to tease each other about Septiplier. Though Seán cringed at it more than anything.

Seán decided to take on his criminal name and turn it into the name of his youtube channel. "JackSepticEye" was no longer known as the name of a criminal, but known as the name of the loud, 29-year-old irishman that screamed at video games. The man leading the channel being part of the trio of main gaming channels, that being PewDiePie, JackSepticEye, and Markiplier.

Seán ended the call and turned off his recording software. He sent the unedited video to his editor, Robin - more commonly known as Pixlpit - and got up from his chair. He left the room and saw Signe organizing plants on the windowsill. He approached her from behind and wrapped his arms around her torso, resting his chin on the top of her head.

"Hiya Woosh.~" he cooed.

"Heey. How was recording?" Signe turned around in his arms and forced his chin from her head. She placed her arms around his neck and stared into his eyes, smiling. Her dull green orbs sparkled and Seán's legs almost collapsed beneath him.

"Oh you know, Mark being a bitch while Bob and Wade laugh in the background. Nothin' new." Seán placed a kiss on Signe's lips then pulled away immediately. He stared blankly at her, seemingly elsewhere.

Signe waved a hand in front of his face, growing worried. Whenever this happened, it was never good. "Seán?"

He pulled away and made sure that she didn't move, and she made sure she obeyed. Who knew what he was planning on doing? It was strange when he came back, a nervous look on his face and something hidden behind his back. Signe tilted her head and tried to read his eyes as he stepped closer to her.

Then he got down on one knee and pulled out the small box from behind his back. Signe covered her mouth with her hands. He opened the small box and revealed a small diamond ring, a perfect fit for her finger. Signe could feel tears prick the corners of her eyes.

"I've been mentally preparing myself for months to ask this and Felix has been really on me about it. And I thought that if I don't do it now, then I probably won't do it at all. So, I'm just gonna come out and say it." He paused for a moment.

"Wiishu, Signe Hansen, you've been with me through thick and thin, through my hardships with killing others and living a life of crime. Throughout all of that, you supported me, and as soon as you saw a way to get me out of that endless loop of despair that I was constantly in, you got me out as fast as you could." He was beginning to cry himself, and he bit his lip to try and hold back a soft sob. He held up the box with the ring perched inside. "Will you marry me?"

There was no debating this. Signe, with no second thoughts, nodded, her short, dyed-black hair falling into her face, breathing a soft "yes, oh of course yes."

Signe collapsed onto him, crying and not wanting to pull away. Seán pulled her head from his shoulder and he, through her trembling and his own, managed to place the ring over her finger, before they both resumed the hug again.

Seán held her close as he stared at the four figures standing above him. Malcolm, Simon, Allison, Susan, all smiling their warm smiles they used to give him whenever they saw him in the few times he was happy back then. He smiled back before closing his eyes, content washing over him like a wave that almost made him fall backwards.

So this is what happiness felt like.

The End

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