Chapter 10

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Warning: Mention of self-harm


She quietly unlocked the door and peeked inside, spotting Amy sleeping in the corner with her head rested in the 90° gap. She walked over and tapped the blonde on the shoulder. She woke silently and looked up at Signe for a few moments before she remembered what they were doing.

Signe led Amy out of the room and checked around every corner, ignoring the elevator. "We'll take the stairs." she whispered. "We don't want to risk you being seen and it's more likely in that enclosed space."

Amy responded with a nod and the two women managed to leave the building without being noticed. They crossed the street and went to the police station, Amy peering inside.

"There's a few people inside..." she murmured, narrowing her eyes. "And I think I see Tyler in there." Amy turned towards Signe. "Hey, wait out here. I'll grab you in a moment."

Signe nodded and waited outside while Amy was greeted happily by Mark who happened to be sitting at his desk. She could hear the words "How did you get out?" from the deep voice of the detective. There was a pause, and Amy was at the door again, gesturing for Signe to come in.

It was awkward, seeing Mark not behind a screen, but actually in front of her. He looked outraged, but Amy stood between her and him. "Mark please, just hear her out."

"You want me to hear out the girlfriend of the bastard that fucking kidnapped you!? I don't think so!"

"I know what his past is..."

Amy and Mark turned their attention back to the Danish woman, who looked like she was about to cry.

"His parents beat him." Signe took a long, shaky breath. "They killed his two brothers and his two sisters right in front of him. His four older siblings, whom he looked up to and loved, killed by his alcoholic parents." She paused. "They beat him for years, even after he finished school. He couldn't find a job, he couldn't find an apartment, he couldn't go anywhere." Her words were breaking up with sobs in between them. "Until he had had enough and killed them himself."

"That proves my point. He's a dangerous bastard."


Mark flinched, seeing Signe with tears pouring down her face and giving him a death glare.

"Seán regrets every fucking second of it! He misses his parents before they left every night to go to every tavern in town. He misses his sisters! He misses his brothers! He remembers all of their birthdays. He isolates himself on their birthdays, and I find him crying and screaming. I found him on his own birthday once, with a knife in hand and cutting every single part of his body. Yes, he's a fucking dangerous bastard, but I love him!"

Everybody was staring at her now, but Signe didn't care. She was breaking down, and Amy finally came forward and gave her a hug.

"I've seen him at his worst, and at his best..."

There was a pause. Complete silence filled the station, only broken by Signe's soft wails, until,

"What's he like at his best?"

Signe pulled away from the hug and stared at Amy, who was smiling and crying as well. Signe thought about it for a moment.

"I've seen him... come up to me and ask to watch a movie. A cute movie, a horror movie... I've seen him gush over Shadow of the Colossus, I've heard him rant to me about how suicide isn't the answer after playing a game about suicide. I've seen him smile and laugh whenever he's around me, I've seen him help me up when my clumsy ass has tripped over nothing."

Signe chuckled.

"I know, that if he gets help, he'll be a bubbling ball of happiness."

This is a very short chapter, and I know. I'm sorry. This writer's block has been a nightmare and I'm afraid that I'm going to have to end this on the next chapter. (Or maybe in two. If I make it two, then you won't be happy about what the next chapter is about.)

I'm still a bit new to writing chapter stories, so I'm sort of struggling to keep it going and actually finish it. So that's why I'm making this a pretty short story. But hey, I hope you cried here cause I nearly did. This story is literally just a roller coaster of emotions all the way through.

This will end happily, so yay! Nothing to worry about!

Edit: Okay, so I found out that Seán has two sisters and I learned their names, and they'll be showing up in the next chapter. Along with Malcolm and Simon. Stay tuned!

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