Chapter 4

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The incident with the police officer was about a week in the past, and Seán was relaxing in the living room of his apartment. Signe had left the day before, saying she was preparing things for the next robbery so he didn't question it.

Seán had connected his laptop to the television and was flipping through Netflix, looking for a movie or some sort of show he could binge before he did what he was best at: crimes.

Seán had stopped at a show called "13 Reasons Why" and was reading the description. Some of it anyway. As soon as he read the first sentence, he rated it one star and moved on. He hated the mention of suicide. Mostly for... personal reasons...

The front door clicked open and Signe walked halfway through the door. Seán hadn't looked her way yet, assuming that yes, it was his girlfriend. "Hey! Seán!" she called. He turned his attention towards her. "Yes?~" Signe motioned for him to follow her, and he turned off the tv and closed his laptop before following her out the door, down the stairs, and to her car that was parked in the parking lot behind the apartment building.

Seán got into the passenger's seat while Signe got into the driver's seat and turned on the car, pulling out of the parking lot. "Close your eyes for me. The drive won't be long."

Seán looked at her suspiciously. "Um... why? I'm supposed to be keeping secrets around here, not you." he joked, smiling slightly.

"Close 'em."

Seán sighed and closed his eyes. Not tightly, but just enough to plunge his world into total darkness, leaving him to use his other senses to try and figure out where they were going. It wasn't working.

After about twenty minutes, Seán heard the car engine turn off. "Okay, I have your mask and I'll need you to put it on. You can open your eyes now."

He did what he was told and took in the setting around him. They were in the middle of a forest. Signe had taken him to the middle of buttfuck nowhere. Leaves from the Fall still littered the ground with sticks, pine needles, and pinecones. Signe handed him his mask and he put it on, watching as she put on her cactus mask.

She looks so pretty wearing that...

Seán followed Signe into a small clearing that looked basically the same as before, other than the break in the trees. Seán was shocked to see her wipe away debris to reveal a wooden hatch. It looked like it led to a bunker.

She lifted up the hatch and motioned for Seán to climb in and down the ladder it had exposed. He narrowed his eyes at her, but he did so as carefully as he could, his girlfriend not far behind.

Water dripped from the stone ceiling and down the walls, the only lighting being fluorescent lights that were two meters apart from each other.

Seán turned to Signe. "Okay. What are we doing here?" he questioned, wincing at the amount of echo the stone hallway produced.

"Patience child." she teased, stroking his beard and motioning for him to follow her to a metal door, with Marzia and Jon standing on either side. Marzia was wearing her beige pug mask with a dark brown snout, and Jon was wearing his serial killer mask.

Signe nodded to the two, and they opened the door. Seán and Signe walked inside while Marzia and Jon waited outside.

What Seán saw in the room made him giddy with excitement.

Sitting in the center, tied to a splintering wooden chair, was the police officer from a week ago. No wonder Signe wanted him to wear the mask. She didn't want to risk him escaping and exposing Seán's identity to the authorities. And it looked liked he was just waking up as well.

Seán smiled and turned to Signe, her smile evident even though it was hidden under her mask. "Happy birthday!" she cheered. Seán lifted his mask up so only his mouth was free and did the same to her mask, kissing her.

Seán made the kiss last longer than the policeman's liking, just to spite him, before he pulled away and covered his mouth again. "Oh my god I love you."


Mark's vision was blurry and he groaned at the growing pain in the back of his head. He was staring down at his lap and tried to move his arms to massage the pain away.

His arms wouldn't budge.

In fact, all four of his limbs refused to move, and when he tried he just felt pieces of wood burrow into his skin and possibly draw blood. His vision was too blurred to make sure and the room wasn't exactly well-lit either.

He shook his head and looked up. Everything seemed to slow down, Mark stopped breathing for a few moments, and just stared at the figure in front of him.

The guy was slim. He was wearing a pair of ripped skinny jeans, an Overwatch t-shirt, and his face was covered with a neon green mask, his piercing blue eyes seemingly glowing.

Mark was staring at the notorious criminal, Jacksepticeye.

Before Mark could say a word, a woman off to the side, who was strangely wearing a cactus mask, said cheerfully, "Happy birthday!" Jack turned towards the woman, lifting up his own mask just above his lip and doing the same for hers, leaning in for a long kiss.

Mark wanted to turn away in disgust, but he was eager to find out any information about this murdering son of a bitch, but the only thing he could make out was the goatee around his chin and lips, stubble running up the edges of his jaw and into his slightly-graying brown hair.

Jack pulled away from his kiss. "Oh my god I love you."

Irish. That was an irish accent. It was slight, but the accent was definitely Irish.

But according to the police in [city], Utah, Jacksepticeye was Swedish! Did Jack pull a trick on them? He must have because here Mark was, sitting in front of the guy and listening to him talk. Jack was pretty manipulative and sometimes childish, it was kind of expected.

"Well, Delirious, Maya, and I are gonna leave you to your devices." she had an accent as well, and he could've sworn he's heard it before. Mark just couldn't remember where.

Jack turned towards where the woman had pointed, and Mark could see him smile under the mask. Mark was beginning to shiver with both fear and anticipation.

"Wiish, take them with you back up there. These next few hours - no - weeks are going to be loud."

As 'Wiish' left the room with 'Delirious' and 'Maya,' Mark felt his heart catch in his throat.

I hope what's behind me isn't what I think it is...  



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