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The girls met at the train station, they were scared but they wanted to know who was behind this.

"What happens if they try to take one of us?" Rosé shivered at the thought and Jisoo waved her off.

"It's going to be okay" Jennie sighed "We don't know that" they went up to the ticket booth.

"What can I help you ladies with?" Jisoo hesitated before saying "Game" the guy silently took out a box.

He handed it to Rosé before whispering "I'm sorry" the girls walked to Jisoo's car.

As they drove to the apartment, Rosé looked through the box "Candles, crosses, salt...what is all this?" Jennie shrugged.

Jennie looked through the contents too "This has all our names...this is a picture of us and Lisa.." Rosé snatched it out of her hand.

She examined it "How did they get this? I took it!" Rosé's heart fell to her stomach as she stared at Lisa.

Lisa and Rosé were hugging, Rosé taking the selfie while Jennie and Jisoo did peace signs in the background.

"Lisa..." Jisoo stopped the car in front of an run down building.

"Rosé, you have to be strong, please, I can't stand to see you cry" Rosé nodded and wiping the single tear that ran down her cheek.

They all got out and entered the apartment, at that time they got the text.

"Make a circle, put the candles around it, summon Lisa?! What type of sick joke is this?!" Rosé took a look into the box.

She took out the picture and stared at it, remembering how happy that day was.

Fury engulfed her like a flame and she pushed the box over, yelling out angrily.

All the candles broke and glass scattered on the floor, she slammed her fist on the ground.

The other girls stood in shock as tears ran down her face and blood dripped from her hands.

Jisoo quickly snapped out of it and kneeled down next to Rosé, taking her in her arms.

Rosé sobbed uncontrollably "L-Let's go..." Jennie spoke up "They'll be here soon, and we have to bandage up Rosé's hand" Jisoo nodded.

She helped Rosé stand up and they all went to the car "Jennie, you drive" Jennie nodded and drove them to Rosé's house.

"We're staying here with you until you recover" Rosé nodded, silently.

They all got a text.

Unknown: I saw your little scene today. I'm giving you one last chance. I'll give you a different assignment. Fail the next one...

Unknown: And you're dead.

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