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Private chat with: Rosé, Jennie, Jisoo

Jennie: Rosé...

Rosé: What?

Jennie: Are you okay?

Rosé: My girlfriend has been kidnapped by some psycho and I keep repeating the video of her crying my name.

Rosé: I'm fine. :)

Jennie: Sorry...

Jisoo: Chae...stop watching that.

Rosé: I can't. I need to find out where she is.

Jisoo: Listening to that isn't going to help you.

Rosé: Let's go to the police.

Jisoo: Now that we know Lisa's alive, we can't take any chances of her getting killed.

Rosé: Wait guys...play the audio of Lisa...what's that noise in the background?

Jennie: Is that metal getting crushed? Sounds like that junkyard.

Rosé: Where's that junkyard?

Jennie: in hongdae

Jisoo: Chaeyoung. Don't go anything jurassic.

Rosé: It's not jurassic.

Rosé: I just need you guys to sneak me out of the hospital.

Jennie: Rosie.

Rosé: That nickname only reminds me of Lisa. So are you going to help me or not?

Jisoo: ...I'll help.

Jennie: Jisoo!

Jisoo: Is there anything else we can do anyways?

Jennie: ...fine.

Rosé: Thank you!

Jisoo: As long as we can find Lisa.

Rosé: For Lisa.

Jennie: For Lisa.

Jisoo: For Lisa.

Private Chat with: Rosé, Jennie, Jisoo, Unknown

Unknown: I'll be waiting for you girls.

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