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Unknown: Great job girls. They got the message.

Rosé: I hate you. In case you didn't know.

Unknown: I never said you had to like me.

Unknown: You just have to follow the rules.

Jennie: They didn't catch us. Thankfully. We could've been arrested.

Unknown: Just focus on that fact that you didn't. If you did, you won't have the chance to complain about it.

Jennie: We're just doing this for Lisa.

Jisoo: We need the truth about Lisa

Unknown: You'll find out after you finish your last task.

Jisoo: Why can't we know now?

Rosé: She was our best friend and she may be dead. And all you are is hurting us more.

Unknown: That's the point. Keep crying Chaeyoung. I like to see your tears.

Rosé: You're a fucking creep. Stop stalking us.

Unknown: I need to make sure my players don't break the rules, and I'm always watching. I know how to hurt you all in the worst places possible.

Jisoo: You need to just tell us the the truth about Lisa. Lisa was our friend. No our best friend. And you took her away from us.

Unknown: Boo hoo. You act like best friends are forever. People leave. People die. People stab you in the back. It's life.

Rosé: It wasn't her time to go. She could've been here...in my arms. She could've been safe.

Unknown: You're all weak. You won't be able to live if you knew my mindset. It was her time to go. She's gone, isn't she?

Jennie: But is she dead? We know she's gone. But is she dead.

Unknown: Finish the game to find out.


Unknown: You're going to wait until a) One of you goes missing too, b) you guys find out who I am or c) you finish the game.

Jisoo: We're going to find out who you are, and we are going to make you suffer.

Unknown: I'd like to see you try.

In a dark room, monitors lit up the center of it, on the screens were 3 girls.

Lisa tried to scream but her mouth was covered with a dirty cloth, she wanted to warn them or at least comfort them.

She could see them crying, she could see them eating, she could see everything.

But the figure behind her was more interested in slowly getting rid of the girls than warning them.

To that person, they ruined their life, they made them into the person they are now.

They were going to take revenge, they're already a step ahead.

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